
A poem or a something else. please tell me your opinions:D?

by Guest56623  |  earlier

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let your eyes glisten

let your tears fall

let your heart listen

to your inner call

emotions not a crime

when the hill your trying to climb

decides to fall down

and hits you with a frown

this is life

so forget the minor glitches

karma's coming round

to resolve the petty hitches

death is near

not a day away from here

don't let time escape you

don't revolve around fear




  1. That is a really good poem i like it,

  2. It's a poem yes and it scans very well (the rhythm). The rhymes work very well too. It's simple but grows on you.

    Well done.

  3. Hmmm not the worst poem I've heard, but not the best either.  You do a good job using imagery to convey your feelings but the overall flow is a bit off.  A little bit cheesy in spots but not bad, not bad.... work on your rhythm, other than that, I liked it.  

  4. its a poem. nice

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