
A pointless/pitiful charity organisation or cause?

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As a part of my Media project from school, I'm writing a song which is a parody of those "together-we-can-save-the-world" type songs written for charity organisations and such that are used in TV advertisements. I've already written the music, but I need an actual charity to write lyrics for. It's gotta be something funny and pointless!




  1. Make up one for example the Organization for the Preservation of the Rights of All Houseplants   OPRAH

    CRO Computers rights orgaization

    CATSERV the organization for the protection of humans who are kept as slaves to pampered cats

    International fund for preservsation of bigotry IFPB

  2. PETA is fairly useless. there is already an SPCA, which promotes humane and rational animal usage, Rather than the "can't use animals at all" extreme approach as PETA.

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