
A poll given to young voters say the reason they like Obama is he's young and hip?

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Marcia and it proves they choose not on issues but by popularity...real educated eh?




  1. more proof that the voting age needs to go back to the original age of 21

    If we do not trust you to drink a beer why should we trust you to pick the leader of this nation

    An exception would be made for military members aged 18-20

  2. Does it matter, time and time again it has been proven young people do not vote. All those kids who like Oboma will not vote for him because they will either be to stoned, to hung over, or just decide to catch a nap before hitting the club.

  3. Yes, better then old and senile.


  5. Narcissistic Personality Disorder!!!

  6. "young and hip"  ???!!!

    ha ha ha what kid uses the word "hip" nowadays lol

    If you like Obama it is likely you are educated, young and cool

    If you like McCain it is likely you are retrograde, old and flatulent

  7. I ll just agree with Gentle Fox, yeah its great that young people are excited about something other than, xbox, myspace and mtv.

  8. It will be a victory for Islam if he wins.  

  9. In America...people get to vote for the candidate of THEIR choice.  It doesn't matter what YOU think of their reasons.  It doesn't matter what I think of YOUR reasons.  One person, one vote.

  10. Another fine example of why the voting age in this country should be raised to 25.  What does an 18 or 19 year old idealistic high school or college student watching MTV and living off of mommy and daddy know about who's qualified to lead the most powerful country on Earth?  Most people under 25 either live off their parents or can barely afford being parents themselves.  

  11. So what?  Kennedy was young and hip too.  You ask this of people who get their information from major news networks?

  12. It's always the most difficult time in American history, am i right?

    I think the Civil War, the Great Depression/WWII, Vietnam, etc. were much more trying times.

  13. Well Mike what is the alternative.  John McCain has been playing inside baseball for years now he is part of the Establishment so can't you blame the youth for at least wanting to try a different script.  Perhaps if you could take yourself outside of your little box you would see that.

  14. They don't listen to what Obama says...which is mostly fluff. The gritty details are usually left out. But, a LOT of people are sick of the sleeping elderly in Congress so why would we choose a senior to lead?

    LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAY and see who their friends are: This tells you a lot about who they really are.

    Mussolini was young, good-looking and hip, too.

  15. Pay little attention to polls they are geared for conversation by the media, after all is said and done they are voters too, make up you own mind.

    Remember, A wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can see from the top of a mountain.

  16. yes that is ALL democrats and their children care about...being young and hip

    you are exactly right

    exactly what poll was this again???

  17. Nope, young and hip doesn't make it at all.  Too bad they don't give competency tests to all eligible voters.  That would place an end to this nonsense.

  18. Ha, well some older Americans are voting for McCain instead of Obama because he is old and more like them.

    I notice that you said nothing about that.

    You sound like you might be biased.  Your not a Republican are you?  Ha.  

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