
A prediction for America's Middle Class; "Liberty or Slavery"?

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"Liberty or Slavery"? Seeing that we, the middle class, can not have both; which do we want now?

Here is a symbolic clue for you...

A good future predictor of United States directional behavior is to study its past and present symbolic guidelines.

For example; for those of us who can still remember from our childhood; ...

There use to be fifty-cent coins with "Lady Liberty" proudly stamped upon them. There not in circulation much anymore.

Slavery was once a part of the National, American fabric,

The "Lady Liberty" coin helped in giving hope to all and to ease the ugly pain of our not so distant past.

The "Power(s)" behind the all "Seeing Eye" of our mighty dollar

have removed this hope of "Liberty" from our collective conscience in preparation of it new order of managing the masses of its citizens; as demonstrated in recent and current national an international events in the dumming down of your present and miserabal financial condition.

Slavery coming soon?




  1. We are all headed towards slavery. The rich have prospered under Bush, but they will pay a big price for their ill gotten gains. This country is headed for a depression the likes of nothing seem before. We will suffer, but they will die for their sins.

  2. As a proud member of the middle class, I have all the liberty I desire, But I don't plan on being middle class for much more than 10 years. If the economy keeps going the way it has since the 80's, then I should be able to retire in ten years at age 55, as part of the upper class. The middle class does exist, and if it is getting smaller, it is because, for the most part, those that are no longer a part of this class have improved their lot, and are now a part of the upper class. I thank God everyday for the free market! If this is slavery, thank God for slavery as well.

    There is a growing part of a political party that wants to eliminate liberty, both in reality and in our collective conscious, and that is the left wing of the Democrat party, with icons such as Hillary Clinton at the wheel.

  3. Middle class America are already slaves - they just choose not to acknowledge it.

  4. If things don't change in 2008, it's certain.

    I'm a college grad, I work a full time job, a part time job, and freelance design work on the side, and I'm still living hand to mouth.

  5. miserable financial situation?  Im middle class.  The financial situation isnt bad, there are flaws, but there's no depression, little famine and everybody drives vehicles as opposed to walking.  Will there be slavery?  No.  Slavery was widely accepted for years.  the US was slow in abolishing slavery, but it's not like it's promoted nowadays or anything.  People are equal now.  It doesnt matter whether you are black, hispanic, white, jewish, male, female, etc.  Equality doesnt mean that everybody has exactly the same amount of money.  Equality means that everybody gets a chance, like public schooling, like voting (unless you commit a felony, but that would be your own fault).

  6. Goodness, Get a life. America is fantastic to live in.

    If you dont like it...LEAVE.

  7. It has been with us ever since the emancipation proclamation.They simply changed the name from slave to employee.Because of the union movement of the early 20th century we got things such as overtime pay and health benefits.By ending slavery they no longer had to house feed and cloth  entire families.then all they had to do was give the worker "pay". Unfortunately,the unions have been under attack from the government since Reagan fired the air traffic controllers!

  8. If getting your lazy *** out of bed every morning to work and actually earn the money that you are given is considered "slavery" in your eyes, then I guess you are a slave.

  9. I answer your question as the grandson of two generations removed from Slavery. Slavery occurs and is enforced when people in charge tell you what is best for you and do not allow you to read and assemble.  "Us" and "Them" is the designated description for a blatant politic that is demeaning to the person or people. Some years ago, in the 40's and 50's newspapers would refer to people of Japanese descent, "j**s". Furthermore, slavery is strengthened by indebtedness.  If you owe someone or some institution for the rest of your life, then slavery is a reality if you move beyond the grace period.  

    I choose liberty.  I choose to read and to write. To examine my own thoughts and others. I do not accept what everyone states and I will always choose to respect a person's differences, wheather it be appearances or intellect. If we think in this way, the powers that be, will have the unimaginable task of herding cats.  Know one controls a cat.  Once you free this animal you may never see it again.  For it chooses it's own path.  Same here.

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