
A private jet was chartered from Alaska to Ohio, landing late last night. . Could McCain be going with Palin?

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Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would be the best pick for McCain.

McCain should pick Sarah Palin.McCain would get alot of Hillary Clinton supporters if he picked a Woman.

I like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.Sarah Palin She supports drilling in Anwhar.Who would know better than her because she's from Alaska,Nobody would know better than her.I would love to see a liberal debate her on Iraq why?She has a son in Iraq.

Sarah Palin is now the most popular governor in America.




  1. I heard  every one on the short list would be in Dayton for the announcement

    Edit. You were right and I was surprised.

  2. She would be a good choice but deep down, I'm hoping that he picks Tim Pawlenty, that man has an impeccable record when it comes to fiscal responsibility, something that we desperately need.  Google him and check out his record, it's very impressive!

  3. I think it would be a good choice..  

  4. it would be a sound choice.

  5. I only landed for 45 mins. Love the Chinese there.

  6. Sounds plausible.  Hillary supporters might like the choice.  Romney has the Mormon thing to give Evangelicals heartburn, and Pawlenty is just too obscure.

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