
A problem with my goldfish - urgent?

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I had a problem with my 2 goldfish yesterday. I think it was a polluted tank. My orange fish sank to the base and sat gasping. I took it out and put it in a separate tank with bottled water in it at room temperature. Unfortunately it died.

So today i totally cleaned the tank out for my other white goldfish with new substrate, water and i put in a first aid kit too. I moved it into a separate tank with Brita Filtered Water in it at room temperature. It's been swimming around all day but the tank was very small so i moved it into a bigger one just now with some new Brita water. When it first went in it started swimming around really fast and going into the sides and everything. Now it's just sitting at the bottom like the other did.

Does anyone know what i could do to save it or what i have done wrong?





  1. I have 2 fancy goldfish and a molly ( who turned from black to gold, this means that he wasn't a true molly ) When your fish go to the bottom and just sit there it's called, Crashing Disease. This is caused when a fish has had other diseases/illnesses that the fish keeper could not see. This is not your fault. Like your first goldfish this could lead to death. But it treatment is started right away when this is noticed then it can be cured with simple fish medications. My goldfish did this as well. I caught it on time but now my molly is again at the bottom of the tank. So here I go again. Did you put any chemicals in the water to remove chlorine, chloramines and ammonia? When you put your goldfish in the water and it swam around quickly etc, that's usually a sign of shock. Maybe from the water, the temperature, being moved from one tank to another. Even when my fish are ill I don't transfer them to another tank ( although they say you should. I choose to treat the whole tank. ) My fish never leave their tanks unless they are dead. I've been extremely successful with this. I've had most of my fish for 5 and 6 years. I would treat your goldfish with Lifeguard....All-In-One treatment. It works excellent. Goldfish are very hardy fish and can with stand a lot. Also try putting sea salt in the tank it helps with shock and enhances the medication that you may be giving your fish. Also use a product called, " Stress Coat. " That will help extremely!!!!  Well I'll stop typing for now. Good Luck!!!!

  2. What kind of goldfish are they? Do you have any type of filter system? What size tank is it? Do they show any signs of disease? White spots etc? Have you tested you water for Nitrite or ammonia? ph level? Are there any new additions to your tank? store plants, other items?

  3. put conditioner or let the water dechlorinate by filling up the tank and waiting 24 hours.

  4. Wow, my goldfish did the same thing when i had it. Maybe stop using Brita Filtered Water and bottled water. It is recommended that you use regular tap water because it has vitamins that the fish needs, also, if it's just a bowl without a filtration system, that could be the problem. maybe put like a bubbler on the bottom or something, my fish seemed to respond well to that!

  5. did you put in the water conditioner?

    if you didnt thats why.

    the fish couldve died becasue of the

    toxics and poisons in the


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