
A promise broken between family...?

by Guest57933  |  earlier

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My boyfriend our son and I moved to Florida to live with my mom. We sold our car because it wouldnt make it down here. But we could have kept it and got it fixed, it only needed a starter but the car had 140,000 miles so it was time to give it up. We had an apartment and decent jobs. My mom has been without a job on and off since I was 11 I am 19 now. We have lived in MN, TX, IA, GA, IN, and Fl. All because she has had trouble keeping a job. To make a long story short we have been here a week and she has already lost her job. We havent even had time to find jobs yet. We spent all our money coming down here so we have no way to go back to Indiana. Part of me wants to hate her but she is my mother and of course she deserves better. The other problem is that we have our own room but still no privacy she just walks in on us. She picks with us about little stuff. Example: She will say stop using up all the laundry detergent, then she will ask us why we arent doing laundry. I feel really burdened by my mother. She tries to give us advice yet she doesnt have her own life together. How can I let her know that I dont want her opinion until her own life is together? How can I forgive her for putting me, my boyfriend, and my 7 month old in the position that we may not have anywhere to live and giving up so much to be let down for the umpteenth time? Lastly how can I make her understand that I wont be moving to anymore states with her to be lead into a dead end




  1. Why would you move with your kid to live with her?  Have your boyfriend go out and start looking for a job and go sign up for welfare so you don't end up homeless. Go to the hardware store and buy a flip lock and put it on your door.  Link below.  They are very cheap and you can lock the door from the inside or if you can afford more buy a locking door k**b.

  2. Living with mom is tough. That's why most people leave. You and your boyfriend are going to have to hurry up and get jobs before you guys get evicted.  

  3. you're an adult, you dont have to live with her or put up with her childish ways. it sounds like an unhealthy situation for all of you. she needs to grow up and be responsible for herself.

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