
A question About Universities and Colleges In India??

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My first question is:

Are private universities more prestigious and more respected in India or are state universities more prestigious and more respected?

Second question:

Are private colleges more prestigious and more respected in India or are state colleges?

Third question:

What factors influence how respected and prestigious colleges and universities are in India? For example, are the older ones more prestigious? Or does it have to do with the quality of the faculty teaching staff???




  1. While Government Universities are more respected as far as universities are concerned, as far as Colleges are concerned, Private Colleges are more respected as Private Colleges can afford to have better faculties and infra-structure as compared to government run colleges.

  2. Obviously, State Universities are more prestigious and more respected in India.

    It depends, in Some areas, Private Colleges are more respected and vice versa.

    The Colleges and Universities are respected and treated as prestigious by their performance, truthfulness, teaching quality, history (old), etc....etc...

    In Kerala, the MG University, Kerala University & Calicut University are more prestigious and respected and those are State Owned.


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