
A question About my IQ...Is it possible?

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I took a so-called "official" Iq test. It said that my IQ was 140. The average Human is somewhere around 90 to 110 (i was told this). I am only twelve years old, so is this even possible??




  1. If you were a genius, wouldn't you already know the answer?  Of course it's possible.  If you doubt it though, retake the test.

  2. It may be true - it may not ..... without knowing how 'official' this IQ test was there's no way of knowing for sure ..... however you could speak with your teachers at school and ask them about bona fide IQ tests .... you may be able to do one at school .... then use the results of this test against this apparent 'official' one and see for yourself!....


  3. All that means is you scored high on a test. Supposedly the test measures "intelligence" and gives it an exact number. Considering that knowing test taking skills, and being middle class or rich increases the average score, it's unlikely that it really tests intelligence. The test can only be as smart (or less than) the people who made it, which considering they set out to measure intelligence with a single test, that isn't much.

    Forget about IQ tests, and never expect things to be easy because it is high, or you can't do something because it is low. It doesn't matter. If you want to learn calculus, go ahead and learn it. You will become as smart as you make yourself, unless of course you have some sort of brain disorder, which doesn't sound likely to me. Don't tell your friends your IQ, it will p**s them off.

  4. Wow, well done. I'm not sure how accurate these tests are, but you certainly must be a clever clogs. Try another IQ test and see what happens. x

  5. now do u know how to love and forgive .... and understand the concept of the law of cause and effect......

    u know the most important things in life.

  6. Yes, it's very possible!  Now, the trick is to use your intelligence correctly and endeavor to increase your score.  If you take another test sometime, and it doesn't read quite as high, don't worry, try to increase it again.  Never stop learning!  We need smart people like you in this world!  Good Luck!

  7. No, those tests are whack

  8. You must realise that intelligence testing is notorious inaccurate  and subjective, and it fails to take into account the fact that there are many different learning styles...IQ tests only measures one or two of them

    BTW you have a relatively high IQ, but don't gloat about it to your one likes a know-it-all

  9. Yes it is. You are a genius. Congratulations. :)

    *By the way, if you're unsure about the authenticity of the test - take the MENSA I.Q. test.

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