
A question about BIRTH CONTROL

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okay my mom made me an appointment with my doctor and they said that i have to take my underwear off and lay on the table while they stick stuff up me just to check me out or i cant get the birth control. I'm real nervous what should i do?




  1. Well, you need to get it, so I'd just relax.  It's not that bad.  I promise.  

    If it makes you feel better, take a bath right before hand and wear really cute underwear.

    Trust me, these doctors have seen some ugly crotches before.  Yours is probably a breathe of fresh air.

    Good luck.

  2. relax!! TONS of girls/women go through it.. don't be embarassed or scared. It's perfectly normal and won't hurt!

  3. Just relax. They are most likely giving you a pap smear to see if you have any diseases or bacteria in that area. They don't like giving out birth control to people that might have a serious condition. Also, doctors do it all the time and although its embarrassing your doctor will think nothing of it he/she sees what you have down their everyday.

  4. that sounds a bit odd...

    you must of course always use condoms. tell your mother you don't feel comfortable being examined and ask her if there are any other ways that you can protect yourself.

    i guess all you can do is ask as many questions as possible. and never do anything that you feel uncomfortable with.

  5. Just relax, its an easy procedure, and its painless, usually you will feel just a little pressure but its nothing bad.  The doctor probably will do a pap smear to make sure that you are okay down there, and don't have any infections.  This procedure will last no longer than 5 minutes, so don't worry about it.

    Good Luck!

  6. It is an internal exam and while it is embarassing it is a routine procedure and doesn't hurt.  Just do what they say and try and think of something to take your mind off of your nervousness.  It is all in a day's work for the doctor so don't worry about it.

  7. Yes, they put a speculum inside you so they can swab your cervix and make sure you don't have cancer.

    But if you're ready to have s*x, having a speculum in there should be no sweat, right?

  8. You have to relax, because if you don't it can make it hurt worse so try to bring a magazine or book so that you can have something to distract you while everything is going on...

  9. Relax , everything will be fine.

  10. No worries, it's probably just a pap smear. It's a little uncomfortable, but it's done by a doctor and they know what they are doing. They do it so they can check for STDs or anything else that you may need to know about. All women have to go through these exams once a year (at least all women SHOULD) and it's really very normal.

  11. hmmmm...

    how old are you?

    well first off....its called a pap smear...

    or an internal exam...

    and its actually not that bad...

    aha....well the first time youll feel uncomfortable...

    i got used to it....

    b/c i had to visit the obgyn every twice a week when i was pregnant

  12. Its just a pelvic exam...

    it will be fine, all girls eventually get one, there just gonna look inside make sure everything is okay, and probably give u a pap smear, its not really painful just uncomfortable.but it don't take long you'll be fine..but yes u do have to have one in order to get on birth control.

  13. try not to freak out to much.. they dont 'stick' stuff in you. it is called a speculum, it 'open's your 'area' up a little,  JUST a little, and it will NOT hurt.  it will feel weird but will NOT hurt.  

    it will only take a moment or two and if you want your mom in there you can have her in there with you OR you can go in alone.

    remember, if at anytime you are uncomfortable TELL the doctor or tell him to stop.  He will ..

  14. it's called a.......shoot i forgot what it's called lol.

    paph something. ahh! sorry i forgot.

    But anyways, they stick a camera up there and feel that you dont have any cancer, cysts, or anything that can harm you and make sure that you are doing good before you take birth control pills.

    it sounds really scary, but at least every woman needs to get it in theyre life, if theyre gonna be sexually active

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