
A question about Charlie Haas...?

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We've talked about this when he was Charlito....but after last night...

What are your thoughts on Charlie Haas???

What did you think of him being Cena? LoL

Will he come out next week as someone new...or even at unforgiven in the locker room or something? Who do you think he will be next?

by the way...he did a great job being CENA LOL. I was laughing so hard...he even looked like him a bit haha.




  1. I don't know if Charlie's getting fans off of what he's doing, but he DEFINITELY got some good heel heat last night.  This mimmick gimmick could really take him places, and honestly, I hope it does.  Haas is one of the biggest oversights on the WWE roster, not only by the political powers that be, but by the fans.

    Hopefully he barks up the wrong tree soon by immitating someone active and big.  If he were to continue to pull off the John CenHaas gimmick until John actually returned, then I think Charlie could at least get a one shot feud with a big star.

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