
A question about Ebay for the experienced people?

by  |  earlier

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When hyou sell things on ebay, do you mail it on your own and go to the post office and pay for the shipping and handling your customer gave you, or do you get a discount from ebay and print something out????? i'm new to this, and confused about it. Please reply if you know.





  1. Hi,

    You go to the post office and mail it yourslf.

    That is why you put the price of the mail on your selling item.

    If you sell something for $10 and you have quoted $5 posting, then the toatl the buyer has to pay you is $15.

    I love ebay.

    Good Luck there

  2. On Ebay you can charge a customer shipping and handling when you set up a bid/sales online. You have to use that to ship it. If Ebay were to pay for it or give discounts they would be losing money since they rely on customers for a percentage per sale to keep their business running.

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