
A question about Ouija Boards?

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Do you think Ouija boards are gate ways to some evil spiritual world?

If so what is your basis for thinking this?

Is it personal experience of some sort?

How many of you have ever actually used a Ouija Board?

I am asking this because I have seen many people on here claim that Ouija Boards are evil but not once have I ever had a negative experience with one. Nor do I know anyone who has.




  1. I did once, many years ago, when I thought they were just a game.

    I would never, never touch another one!

    God make you wise. <><

  2. Ouija boards can be a lot of fun - but nothing more than that.  They have failed test after test to make any kind of contact with spirits.  Given that there is also zero evidence for the existence of ghosts, spirits whatever, its fair to say that there is nothing to them at all.  

  3. I have and they are from wicked spirit persons and they do not know the future anymore than any human but they do make up stuff.

    Read Mark 1:24 When Jesus threw a demon out of a man the demon asked him if he was abyssing him at that time.  He said have you come here to destroy us?  That was 2000 years ago.

    So if they do not even know that Jesus was going away and coming back at a later date, how can they tell you the future?

    God does not know the future unless he makes it happen.

    He choose Solomon who later became apostate.  Saul who was later rejected.  That is what is called free will.

    If God for ordained everything than how could it be free will and how could we be responsible for our actions.

    No one actually knows the future until it happens.  So how can these wicked angels tell you anything you don't already know?  So why put up with their lies?  They just make up stuff.

  4. A Ouija board is just a toy in it's everyday use. To tell the future, some people claim it's accurate others claim it isn't.

    Some religions use them for other purposes, neopagans use them to communicate with spirits of the dead. Some people will say there were unexplained happenings as a result of the Ouija board usage.

    Satanists (not Atheistic Satanist just the naughty Christians) use them to communicate with the devil.

    Not to say that either  of these people actually accomplish this task.

    It is a lot like a deck of tarot cards, some people use them to play card games, some people use them for divination.

    The board is either a game, a spiritual tool, or a look at how bad I am I'm speaking with the devil gimmick. It all depends on your point of view

  5. Hi =o)

    I personally don't think they're a gateway to an evil spirit world, just the spirit world in general. I have done a few Ouija boards now, and have actually found them very informative and have gained a lot of information from them. Just be careful is what I say. As soon as people stop taking it seriously, that's when they can go wrong. But yeah, I have never had a bad experience with one either

  6. Ive personally experienced the Ouija board work in a very specific way.

  7. Everyone here should google "ideomotor effect"

    That is how the work.

    People who dont understand this concept think the game is possessed or something

    They are completely ignorant.

  8.'s a doorway to evilness and demons.........i have a friend that is a wiccan.....i tell her that it's day when the moon is just right,the demon will actually come to plight

  9. I used them all my childhood. Maybe at ten years old I may have considered them real. I am not even sure if that is true.

    There is a great documentary about them. Penn & Teller's BS on Showtime is a great lil show. They dedicated a whole episode to debunking them. It's on youtube, like all 'truthes' on R&S

  10. If that spiritual world is the subconscious mind, then yes they are gateways.

    I used Ouija boards in my early days of initiation. I held then as I hold now: it is an effective tool for exploring untapped parts of consciousness.

  11. I can't honestly say that I know anyone who has used one that had it do what people think it does.  I don't know anyone who contacted any dead people using a Quija board so as far as I know a Quija board is just a game which explains why they're sold in toy departments of stores.

  12. I used a Ouija Board as a child, it is a childrens board game... Nothing more, nothing less.

  13. Ouija boards are not gateways to evil or spiritual worlds.  I used a Ouija board years ago and nothing happened.  Nothing happened when some of my friends played the Ouija board.  I actually found the whole experience incredibly boring.  Scrabble is much more fun, more interesting, and more exciting.  

    The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  It does not communicate with the dead and it does not contact spirits.  It does not open any portals to the underworld or to anywhere else.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.

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