
A question about Thrush!?

by  |  earlier

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I've had thrush for years now and I can't ever get rid of it - it's driving me insane - my boyfriend has never caught it from me in the whole 8 years we have been together. I've tried the pessarys, the double strength cream, the oral pill all on more than one occasion. I wear cotton knickers now instead of thongs - I can't wear lacy knickers - they make it worse. The only other thing I need to try is cutting out sugar - I drink about 10 cups of tea or coffee a day each with two tea spoons of sugar - do u think this may be feeding the thrush? Any other suggestions? Do artificial sweetners cause thrush? I love my tea and coffee and don't wanna stop drinking it but I can't bear it without sugar!!




  1. yes, try drinking tea wihtout sugar, and quit taken in lots of sugar in ur diet, good luck

  2. I'll be honest with you. Like you, I am one of those women that has a HUGE problem with thrush - for about the last seven years.

    Even when it isn't really bad, I notice a tiny bit of discomfort - I know it is always there at a low level, except straight after I've treated it.

    It even got to the point where canesten products stopped working - I must have used them so much and I had to change to another anti-fungal. I used to buy oral prescription anti-fungals on the internet in bulk!

    I went to the doctor and she told me I must have a systemic infection  - candidiasis - and needed to treat my whole body.

    She said I needed to radically change my diet, and asked if I ate much sugar. Well, just like you are with your coffee, I am a bit of a chocoholic.

    So I cut out everything sugary. For several months, nothing at all passed my lips that had any sugar in it - no deink, no ketchup, no sauce, and no sweets. I stopped having cereals with sugar in and had my porridge without sweetening it - not even any fruit juice. I even to begin with cut out sweet fruits and dried fruit, and just ate lots of veg and stuff.

    It worked like magic!! NO sign of thrush whatsoever. For the first time in years  - I felt like a new woman.

    And believe me, the thought of getting thrush was enough to keep me well away from the sugar for a long time.

    Then, I just thought, one square of chocolate... and it seemed to be ok. I  ate a bit more, and then I ate a really huge bar in one go and next day I have really bad thrush.

    I haven't managed to give up sugar again yet - it is such an addiction - but while I have sugar in my diet I just keep on getting thrush which is awful.

    Cutting out sugar is the answer, believe me.

  3. You may have a different type of yeast infection called Candida Tropicalis. It is notoriously resistant to standard medications. The medication that is used in the US for this is Terconazole 0.8 percent cream (Terazol 3). I'm pretty sure you'll need a prescription for it.

    Also, if you are using spermicides in any form, including the spermicide on condoms, this could be your problem. These agents can alter the normal vaginal flora, affecting your natural immunity to pathogens like C. Tropicalis.

    Try using condoms without spermicide.

    You can print this answer and take it to your doctor or clinic if you want to. It will explain to the medical staff why you are asking for a specific brand of vaginal cream.

  4. well it seems you probably heard of canistan duo creams and insertion pessesarys so all im going to say is your doctor s your only hope . mine was . you may have other infections to that you dont no about making it worse . see a doctor cos i did and he diagnosed three infections alone without thrush due to a bad bladder infection spreading .

  5. A long time ago I had heard that plain yogurt would help.  The cultures in it attack the bacteria that give the yeast the proper environment to grow.

    Eat about a half cup daily.

    And if you haven't already, consult your doctor.  Recurring yeast infections (thrush is only yeast, it can occur in the mouth, armpit, feet, nailbeds and any moist area) can be signs of other illness.

    Good luck.

  6. Go to the doctor, they will make it better.

  7. I've been suffering from chronic yeast since I started the pill almost ten years ago and the ONLY thing that helped me was cutting refined sugar out of my diet.  You should try it.  But if you are going to do it you must REALLY do it, look at the labels for stuff and if it has a ton of sugar in it, don't eat it.  That means no more candy, no more jam that has a crapload of sugar.  It really worked for me.  I know how much you are suffering right now and it is not fun.  It is frustrating to not be able to eat sweets but it is a whole lot less pleasant to have a yeast infection.  Sugar is for sure feeding the yeast so at least cut back.

    The other thing you can try which I do when I think I am getting an infection is to take an oral acidophilous supplement.  I buy the refrigerated kind because then I know the cultures are still alive when I take it.  The brand I buy is called Florajen.  I have no idea if it is available in the UK but you could always ask a chemist locally if they sell something similar.  I take it once daily and that really helps me.  

    Good luck, hon!

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