
A question about Twilight the movie?

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I watched a lot of trailers of both movies...Twilight and New Moon.

do all the actors change in the second movie??

like the actor who plays Jacob Black in the first movie is different from the one in the second movie. does Kristen Stewart continue to be Bella in the second? I'm getting really confused!! and they show scenes of Eclipse, when Jacob kisses Bella, they do it in a car...and Bella is suddenly blonde!!! weird!

please tell me if they change or not and those are stupid clips that fans make




  1. All the new moon ones were fan made

  2. I think that you are watching fan made trailers. Twilight movie hasn't been released yet, so I don't think they have the New Moon trailer out yet. They will probably keep the cast consistent too.  

  3. Well there is no real trailer for New Moon yet. The ones that are on youtube and stuff are all fake ones made by people. I happen to know from an interview with the cast of the movie I watched that half of the actors already signed a thing that says they are going to be in the next movie for sure.


  4. They're fan made...There isn't a Trailor for New moon out yet..I mean, Twilight hasn't even been in the theaters yet..They wouldn't release it so soon.  

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