
A question about a couple of verses from the Qu'ran...?

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I'm doing a speech about the misconceptions of Islam and I read that verses 9:5 and 9:29 are the most used by extremists to try and justify violence and terrorism. The book said that these verses are usually taken out of context and misinterpreted. So my question is, what are these verses actually referring to?




  1. Kill The Infidel, Kill the American, Death to America - DUH!



    [9:5] And when the forbidden months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever you find them and take them captive, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakaat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.  

    [9:6] And if anyone of the idolaters seeks protection of thee, grant him protection so that he may hear the Word of Allah; then convey him to his place of security. That is because they are a people who have no knowledge.  

    Holy Quran

    The command to fight against the perfidious and treacherous group of infidels who persistently violated the treaties and tried to destroy peace and security, was to restore law and order in the society. The command was not general but only refers to particular groups of the Makkan idolaters who were notorious offenders. They used to harass the Muslims whenever they found them helpless and when overpowered prayed for amnesty by making treaties which they used to break before their ink was dried.

    When war becomes inevitable it must be fought with vigour. It may take the form of slaughter, or capture, or siege or ambush, but even then there is room for repentance and amendment, and if that takes place forgiveness is enjoined for the establishment of peace and harmony.

    [9:29] Fight those from among the people of the Book, who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor hold as unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have declared to be unlawful, nor follow the true religion, until they pay the tax considering it a favor and acknowledge their subjection.

    Holy Quran

    Allah enjoins upon the believers to fight against the disbelievers and the people of the book until they are subdued and agree to pay jizyah (the root meaning is compensation) with willing submission to live under the protection of Islam, enjoying personal liberty of conscience, free to profess and practice their own faith, not interfering with the preaching and progress of Islam. They were exempted from military service, therefore in effect jizyah was a nominal compensation paid by them in return for the protection of their property and lives for which the Islamic government was responsible .

    It was a necessary step that had to be taken in view of the treacherous attitude of the Jews and the pagans who had been harassing and creating chaos all the time during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet. When defeated they readily made pacts to avoid the consequences of the defeat, but always jumped at every opportunity to kill the Holy Prophet and the believers and destroy the progress of Islam by breaking promises and covenants and hatching secret schemes.

  3. OK, I'll give you a link to the Tafseer (explanation and commentary) of Surah Tawbah (Surah 9).

    Verse 9:5 - (look at the first few links)

    Verse 9:29 -

  4. Assalamu Alaikum,  Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

    Surah At-Taubah

    Most dirty propagandists are taking this surah out of context and spreading lies and hatred in the minds of Christians against Islam.

    May Allah always guide Muslims on the right path of Islam.

    The commands in this surah were revealed only to deal the atheists of Mecca who persecuted , killed many new converts for first 13 years Mohammad was in Mecca as Prophet and forced Mohammad and his companions to leave the city.

    In Mecca God didn't permit Mohammad and his followers to even defend themselves. They were told to have patience for their severe training and strengthening their faith. Muslims suffered a lot for thirteen years from the hands of hateful Atheists of Mecca. During these years Mohammad and his entire tribe was forced to live in a valley for three years without food and water. They lived eating roots of plants and what ever was secretly brought by the kind people.

    After Mohammad and his followers moved to Madina, Atheists of Mecca went to attack and kill Mohammad and his followers to Madina three times and imposed three wars on them in a period of first four or five years. . Each time by the help of God Muslims defeated them and Meccan suffered heavy loss of life specially of their leaders who were strong enemies of Islam. God did permit to Muslims to fight for their defense from now on when Atheists came to kill them in first war.

    After three wars Meccans realized that Muslims can’t be wiped out so they signed a treaty with Prophet Mohammad agreeing that there will be no wars for ten years and many more clauses in the treaty. During these ten years Islam spread rapidly in most of the Arabian peninsula. During this period Atheists violated many clause of treaty they signed but Muslims did not violate any clause of treaty. So Prophet declared the treaty as null and void.

    Prophet Mohammad was the last Prophet of God and God wanted to establish a model Muslim state with Shariah Laws during his life time. Also God wanted to re-establish Kaaba as the center of Islam as it was established before by Prophet Abraham. So before two years of Prophet Mohammad’s death Allah revealed this Surah At-Taubah

    God didn't start this surah with the phrase God used in the beginning of every Surah in Quran. The phrase is "In the name of God the most Merciful the Most Beneficent". Because God declared firmly without showing any mercy for enemies of Mohammad and all Muslims giving them four months to either accept Islam or leave the Arabian peninsula. And commanded Prophet and his followers to kill them if you find any Arab atheist after four months in entire Arabian peninsula being the holy land of Islam..

    Most of the atheists either accepted Islam or escaped from Arabia. Not a single atheist came to fight with Muslims when Prophet entered in Mecca with 10,000 faithfuls fully armed. He then declared general amnesty forgiving all Meccans for torturing, killing, persecuting Muslims in last 22 years. This kind of kindness has never been shown before nor after until this day by any other conqueror in the history of mankind. Prophet stayed in Mecca for several days. He destroyed all the idols in the Kaaba and abolished many of the bad rituals Atheists had introduced as rituals of Haj of Kaaba. He appointed a Muslim Governor to enforce Sharia Laws and rule the City according to the Laws God revealed to Prophet in Quran. Other than this no war or fight happened. During Prophet's stay in Mecca thousands of atheists came and accepted Islam and few fled the city to Africa.

    God revealed this surah and every word in it pertaining to the atheists of the time. It was not meant for killing any non-Muslim of any other country or followers of any other religion in entire world. Christians often quote Ayahs of this Surah # 9 out of context not to learn but to incite hatred against Muslims.

    This Surah was never used against followers of any other religion in any other country. Muslims never killed innocent people who did not fight against them, whenever they went to liberate the masses ruled by tyrant rulers. Whether you believe or not Prophet Mohammad never went out to fight any war without the permission and command of God. Wherever they went and won the fight, they didn't force any non-Muslim to convert. People always converted with their own free will after their experience that Muslims are just and treat them fairly and Islam is the most beautiful religion. Muslims ruled India and Spain for over 700 years. If they had forced people to convert like Catholics did in South America, Muslims would have been in majority in these countries. But Muslims remained in minority and even most of the Muslims in minority came from Muslim countries to settle in Spain and in India for a better life made available to them by the Muslim Rulers.

    Today in America and Europe Muslims do not have swords in their hands and never knock doors of non-Muslims like Mormons and Jehova witness missionaries. Christians read about Islam on internet or books in Libraries and accept Islam and convert as Muslims after feeling in their hearts that Islam is the best religion. This is truth and no matter what non-Muslims say, truth loving people find nothing otherwise. This is the reason Islam is the fastest growing religion in America, Europe and rest of the world.

    May Allah guide Muslims to stay on the right path of Islam.

  5. I'm sure you should be getting some respond on this one!

    But from my search about the extremist views, it seemed more disagreements in other things than just that verse.  That verse has been used throughout centuries by the *haters* of Islaam.  

    bin laden for example... i think their view is, they must not obey the ruler in his land anymore because the ruler is commiting wrong or ordering to do wrong.  and he was! trying to establish his understanding of Islaam.  And because he established the so called sharia law (eventhough a lot of it had good, strangely had bad also).  And at the beginning of the wars he declared, that America must leave their land alone, or they WILL fight against them.  And I don't know what is wrong with defending.. as he wasn't making random attacks.

  6. Salam for you .Yes I agree with you that verse 9:5 and 9:29 are most used by extremist and also by non muslim people to muslead it and accused that Islam and its followers tend to be terrorists.We should know that Allah instructed to attack and kill kafirs if they  hated and teated muslims as their enemies.Muslims could make war with them if they first made war too muslims as stated in 22:39 We muslims shoud treat fairly to anyone  who keep peace with muslims (60:7,9)

    In 2:190,193 Allah spoke that  we muslims should attack non muslim people if they attacked us and we should aware of them

  7. i think you should click on this link:

    and  this:

  8. Fighting in Self-Defense:

    The Prophet kept preaching the Message of God for years without any fight, enduring the severe harmful effects inflicted upon him by the Arabs in Mecca and the Jews in Medina. The prophet at that time had no permission from God (in the Quran) to fight back. Events then developed and polytheists used different methods to inflict harm on Moslems. Finally they decided to kill the Prophet. When the latter learned of the intention, he immigrated to Medina and was warmly welcomed by its people who pledged allegiance to him in the cause of Islam.

    The atheists were not content with trying to kill the Prophet, but also provoked non-Moslem tribes against him in order to put an end to his Message. When the case reached this stage, God gave permission to Mohammed to fight.

    Upon examining closely the Koranic passages in which God requests Moslems to fight, we find them clarify that war should be a means to drive away aggression and tyranny. God says: [22:39] Permission is granted to those who are being persecuted, since injustice has befallen them, and GOD is certainly able to support them.[ 22:40] They were evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, "Our Lord is GOD." If it were not for GOD's supporting of some people against others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and masjids - where the name of GOD is commemorated frequently - would have been destroyed. Absolutely, GOD supports those who support Him. GOD is Powerful, Almighty.

    As for victorious Believers, God says: [ 22:41] They are those who, if we appointed them as rulers on earth, they would establish the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat), and would advocate righteousness and forbid evil. GOD is the ultimate ruler.

    Military victory should not lead to expansion or dominance as the case is with colonial regimes, nor should it lead to control over sources of wealth, or to arrogance in the land to raise a race above another. Victorious believers had better "establish regular prayers" to attain spiritual exaltation by worshipping God, and to purify their spirits. They "establish the obligatory charity" and thus establish social justice by supporting the right of the needy to live a decent life. They "advocate righteousness " by spreading benevolence and right among people, and " forbid evil" by fighting against evil and corruption and uprooting them from society.

    The Prophet fought only to drive away aggression, after having received his divine orders: [2:190] You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you, but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.

    Fighting in the Cause of God:

    The Islamic nation is commanded to establsih justice on earth, and this requires Moslems to stand in the face of injustice and oppression, wherever they may be, and eradicate their causes, and not to take hold of the earth, or enslave people or dominate their welfare, but establish the Word of God on earth, without doubtful intentions. In Islam, this is called the "strife in the cause of God" and the "fight in the cause of God." The Koran commands: [2:244] You shall fight in the cause of GOD, and know that GOD is Hearer, Knower. [22:78] You shall strive for the cause of GOD as you should strive for His cause....

    The cause of God is the cause of justice. Every fight in the cause and support of freedom in religion is a fight in the cause of God; and every fight to drive away oppression and support the oppressed against the oppressor, or to support right and justice, is a fight in the cause of God. Every effort done to attain or protect justice, is also done in the cause of God.

    The Koran demands believers to fight in the cause of God, without any worldly intentions. The following verses, sent down to the Prophet in Medina, clarify the aims of war: [ 4:74-75] Those who readily fight in the cause of GOD are those who forsake this world in favor of the Hereafter. Whoever fights in the cause of GOD, then gets killed, or attains victory, we will surely grant him a great recompense. Why should you not fight in the cause of GOD when weak men, women, and children are imploring: "Our Lord, deliver us from this community whose people are oppressive, and be You our Lord and Master."

    A hint is made here that, in Islam, war is not for oppressing or enslaving people; it is waged for the cause of God and weak people, like those in Mecca who were persecuted and oppressed by the Meccan atheists. It is the duty of every believer to support people like these and relieve them from oppression, people who no longer have any supporter and thus turn to God for refuge.

    Then God says: [ 4:76] Those who believe are fighting for the cause of GOD, while those who disbelieve are fighting for the cause of tyranny. Therefore, you shall fight the devil's allies; the devil's power is nil.

    Evil means transgression of limits. Thus when one transgresses limits. behaves arrogantly in the land, enslaves others and deprives them of their rights or of having a share in the riches of the earth, he is said to be fighting "in the cause of Evil" which God criticizes severely and considers as the motto of atheists. The aim of fighting in the cause of God is to spread Divine Law (which calls for justice and freedom of religion) in the world without there being any selfish intent or arrogance in the land, as God wants the case to be: [ 28:83] We reserve the abode of the Hereafter for those who do not seek exaltation on earth, nor corruption. The ultimate victory belongs to the righteous.

    To this effect, Mohammed sent his delegates to eight neighbouring rulers with messages calling them to embrace Islam. The appeal was rejected. Some of them even killed the Prophet's delegates, and some tore the message and threatened the delegates who had brought it. The rulers of the time were a clear obstacle in front of the individuals' freedom and their right to live in justice and to choose their religion freely. Islam was the civilized step in the development of humankind that the despots of the time were a barrier to. Islam declared war against an obsolete form of tyrannical governing. If Islam used force, then only to enforce justice that resulted in fascinating civilizations in every area where Islam entered.

    In his book "Esquisse de l'Historie Universelle," Dr. Najib Armanazi says, "When the Arabs made ready to fight the Persians and Romans, these had already ... [had] a history of oppression and tyranny which exterminates citizens, inflicts unfair burdens on them, and kills their patriotic feelings and loyalty to rulers. ... Mazdaism and Christianity .. branched into a number of major schools which inherited only hostility and hatred, and inflicted suffering on each other.... Thus Islam faced no public resistance during its spread ... The Arabs were definitely more truthful, just and merciful."

  9. 1st these verses are not out of context these verses are about jihad with kuffar but if i write these verses u can not under stand here because these verses are have some conditions if u dont read all surah anfal and surah touba u cant understand these verses

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