
A question about algebra in general. (not a problem to solve)?

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What is Algebra for?

Nowadays, there is machines, and we need to program them, without algebra we wouldn`t have been able to program those machines. (generally)

but algebra exist since a very long time.

so what are other uses for algebra?

why would people in those old ages need to solve problems it terms of "a" and "b", while all they needed was numbers (since there life was that simple).




  1. Even the ancients needed and used Algebra, read up on Euclid

  2. Variables allow you describe situation in general terms.  Everyone hates word problems, but they are a great example.

    Train A leaves the station heading east and travels 50MPH, Train B leaves the station 30 minutes later heading east and travels 60MPH.  At what time will train B pass train A?

    See, the variables allow you determine the formula to calculate something like this even if the parameters of the problem change at some point.

  3. You correctly pointed out that we would not have been able to program machines without algebra.

    But, the programs calculate things using equations which have been programmed into them. These equations have usually been known much longer than the machines have been around for, and so before the machines, they would have been calculated using slide rule, abacus, pencil and paper, whatever.

    So algebra would have been used for these calculations. Algebra has a much deeper meaning than just a and b, x and y - it is a very concise way of writing down relationships between quantities, something which scientists have used for centuries.  

  4. Life was never that simple.  Astronomy needs algebra.  Economy needs algebra.  science in general needs algebra.  All computers are for (realisticly) is to calculate the algebra we used before alot quicker then we can on paper.  Very many logical thoughts you have use algebra to some degree.

    "I need 10 eggs for baking and already have 5 how many should i buy"?

    5 + x = 10


    you don't realise you are doing this but you are.  Algebra is nothing complex it just seems like it on the paper in highschool classes as educators are not very good at showing purpose in anything scientific.

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