
A question about an ssri?

by  |  earlier

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hi, i am taking 20 mg a day (in the morning) of paxil... my question is if i can take my dose at 2:00 am as i am muslim and have to fast this month (ramadan). thanks in advance!




  1. I am no doctor but it takes a few weeks for it to build up in your system so a change of 6 or 12hrs of dosing either way shouldn't matter.  You shouldn't stop taking it unless they tell you too.

  2. hey there !  I admit I don't know much about your religion but I respect it never the less. U should really talk to your Dr. 1st and ask him/her whether or not there is a specific reason why u Have to take the med at that time if there isn't then go ahead and take it at the time u wish.If u don't want to do that then does the Paxil give u energy after u take it or does it wake u up a little? does it give u anxiety after u take it? if so then u will have a hard time sleeping at this hour hun.but honestly after talking to my pharmacist she said there is no medical reason why u can't take it at 2 a.m. I have taken SSRI's at different times of the day because of side affects I would get . good luck to you!! and I hoped this helped u

  3. i would recommend checking with your doctor as some medication is taken in the morning as it can affect sleep.

    i used to take citalopram which is supposed to be taken in the morning. i took it at night once and i couldn't sleep at all that night as my brain wouldnt shut down.

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