
A question about antidepressants?

by  |  earlier

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I was on anti-depressants for several months until my doctor took me off of them in February(the depression went away). But the depression came back, and recently, he's put me back on the drug.

Now, I understand that antidepressants take at least two weeks to start working. I've been back on the antidepressant for 5 days as of today, and i think they've begun to kick in.

my question- is my body/brain just used to the effects of the drug(from when i was first on them), and thats why they're working so fast?

or is it just me?




  1. I am honestly against antidepressants. your body from now on will depend on that drug to calm you down.... you know what i mean.

         be careful with that drug....  

  2. You really should try and get off the meds.I was on them for 2 years.I have now been off them for almost 3 months.I cant believe how much energy I have.I also have a much clearer head.I am now on an herbal regimen that is working great!No side effects or withdrawal if I miss a pill.Its great.I never used to feel this way about meds.But some of the research is pretty scary.Good luck to you.

  3. They just give a general guideline.  My boyfriend just started Lexapro 3 days ago and he's been able to drop the niccotine patches and it does not effect his johnson at all

  4. I'm glad your feeling better, if they were already in your system before your body will take to them sooner, but it still may take the full two weeks to receive the full effect...

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