
A question about being sick while trying to lose weight?

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Right now I'm bed-ridden with a horrible cold/flu. I feel nauseous, bloaty, sniffly, etc.

I've lost my first 10lbs by just eating healthy, walking, etc.

Only 18 more pounds to go!

I feel horrible because I haven't been able to keep up with routine due to my lack of extra energy. Does my body use up a lot of energy when I'm sick?

Is it possible to even lose weight while you're sick (even though I'm not vomiting)?

Any answers are appreciated, thanks.




  1. With a bad flu you are likely to lose a bit of weight anyways; esp if you have a hard time eating or keeping food down. Just remember to drink plenty of fluids until you're well again. A brief fast during the flu isn't going to hurt you in the long run. If you can't even keep fluids down, consider drinking Gatorade or one of the pediatric Oral Re-hydration Solutions, like Pedialite. This is important to keep from dehydration and will help maintain a good electrolyte balance.

    Disclaimer: I am not a member of the medical community and have no license to diagnose or prescribe treatment or medications. Please consult a licensed physician before taking my advice.

  2. You will definitely lose weight while you are sick. Your not eating much and your body is going to eat your fat to consume energy. I was just sick last week and lost 5 lbs. Then again that is my body and your body is prolly different. But just trying to help

  3. From patterns of me being sick and my mother being sick, you do lose weight.  However, the weight you lose when you're sick isn't likely to stay off because you tend to be on a different diet than when you are in a normal state of health.  You'll likely gain it back very quickly, but only what you lost being sick, not what you lost when dieting.  Your body is working more to fight off all the bad cells, which is why you have a fever and feel weak.  You shouldn't feel horrible staying off your diet because you are sick.  And plus these last few pounds will be harder to shed and will take more work than the first 10 pounds.  Just focus right now on getting better!

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