
A question about breast milk...?

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My breast milk is getting low. If I breastfeed my daughter as often as I can ( I would say about every hour), would it increase?

My daughter is 8 weeks old.




  1. viste this site ma be great full....

    Increase Breast

    good luck

  2. your milk should increase, it works like supply and demand. i went through periods when my milk supply was less and i breastfed more and it increased again. also if you have a pump try pumping in between feedings and that should help increase you supply.

  3. Breast milk is made on a supply and demand process so the more you nurse the more milk you will have.  Nursing every 2 hours for at least 15 minutes or so a side will help too.

    You might also want to try some different herbs that you can get at a health food store to increase your milk.  Red raspberry leaf, fenugreek, nettles, and blessed thistle are all good choices!

  4. Nursing or pumping will increase the flow and let down, but your diet and how much water that you take in also plays a role.. Your daughter should not need to eat every hour and I wouldn't recommend getting her used to it either, if you need to get you milk to let down more then pump it... If she is needing to be fed that often then there is a god chance that your milk is not strong enough, that could be related directly to your diet. Call your local OB ward at the hospital, they will have information for you and can recommend you to a specialists that normally are volunteers and are trained in breastfeeding (le lecher clubs)

  5. Your breast milk is probably not getting low, you're daughter is probably going through a growth spurt. You are also getting to the point where you may not feel as full or notice the letdown as much which are other things that make women think their supply has decreased.

    Feeding every hour would help increase, though I think feeding her on demand (no timing the feedings either) would be sufficient.

    If you really are having supply issues, eating oatmeal can help, as can mother's milk tea and an herb called fenugreek. Also be sure to drink plenty of water. But feeding often and for as long as baby desires is really the best think you can do to increase your supply.  

  6. usually the more you breastfeed the more milk you will produce. Your body adjust to it and regulates itself. Dieting could affect your milk production.

  7. you should be nursing her everytime she is hungry or even just wants to suckle, that will increase it because it is basically supply for demand. good luck

  8. they say it does  

  9. I am having the same problem. I was told to try to have my son nurse as much as possible. He is ten weeks old and I have recently went back to work. So I am breastfeeding less often. Good Luck!

  10. Yes. It works on supply and demand. Also make sure you are getting enough rest, eating enough, and drinking a ton of water. A good rule is to drink a full glass of water each time you feed.

  11. Congrates on your new baby!!

    Your baby eats whatever it needs. Your breast milk builds as the baby eats. So, baby may be eating 10-12 times a day and only 5 minutes at a time...then that is all she needs. As your baby grows, she will need more milk and your body will adjust to her needs. You will produce more milk as your baby needs more. I hope that makes sense.

    When babies are still "new" like yours is, they do not require much at first. If all else fails and you feel that your baby is not fulfilled, ask your doctor or contact a lactation nurse from your hospital. I would also suggest "pumping" in between feeds as this will increase the amount of milk your body will produce and allows for daddy or other family members to help with feedings.  

  12. The more you nurse and pump the bigger your supply should get.  If that doesn't help then you can try the medicine they give to cause a bigger milk supply (if you can get a Dr to give it to you).  I found that to really get my supply back up after it went down do to the flu that I had to nurse when my son was hungry but then if he went 2 hrs without nursing I had to end up pumping too so I was either nursing or pumping every hour to get a supply back up.  

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