
A question about charity, what to do in life?

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I've always wanted to do something really good for humanity; make a difference for the good. But I've been struggling on what kind of path to take lately. One thing i know for sure, is that the rich don't need any help, I'll be helping the poor and middle class. But now, i'm not sure what would be the best way to do this, the best way to help people.

I've got about 74 years left to live, if my life expectancy is correct and nothing terrible happens. So it's not exactly like I'm running out of time. But in that time, i was thinking about how much money i could make if i completely devoted my life to convincing others to donate money. And i realized, it wouldn't be much. If you think about the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, i could never raise 10 billion dollars (and the incredible amount from Buffet) that they've already given away. So now i've realized that i've got to do something better than just beg other people to donate.

But what? Please give suggestions, all are welcome.




  1. you need to find where specifically you wanna help. start volanteering at hospitals shelter and othe places to find the ocrrect avenue you would like to work in. Im just like you and im still trying to figure it out. good luck.

  2. Watch the movie

    the ultimate gift

  3. rich people also need help.

    some rich guy couldnt pay all the bills for the company, so he commited suicide, even if he was rich. debts kept rising and more workers had to be fired. I guess those fired workers were poor and middle class. if someone would give him more money, he would still be alive and those workers would still keep that job that saved them from poverty.

    I think no one thinks about rich people anymore. they also dont have perfect lives. you might see farmers operating expensive machines in europe, but their future isnt sure.

  4. A fresh idea is worth far more than a monetary donation.

    Join Humanity's Team and work for paradigm shift:

  5. As much as I see what you are saying, I believe that the true meaning of charity is giving something of yourself because you feel as though it is helping just that one person right then.  It could be that you choose a charitable career could be that you help out one person (just a person) once a week with could be that you raise awareness for a cause.  Anything that makes a difference is charity.  If you are giving in the spirit that you just want to give...there are not limits.  To one person, you will really make a difference, no matter how 'insignificant' that seems to them it is everything.  Give of your time and your skills and you will do well in life.

  6. There is more than one way to contribute to the causes you believe in:

        * with your own money, or encouraging donations from others

        * with item donations (your own, or donations from others)

        * as a volunteer (donating your time and expertise, without pay)

        * as a career choice (choosing a career that contributes to the causes you believe in)

    You need to think, realistically, about what you can do now, and what you might be able to do in the future, in terms of all four of these categories.

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