
A question about children being prey rather than a predator?

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Why is it that most kids in high school who are really smart in SCHOOL related activities such as math, and study habits tend to be physically weaker than kids in high school who don't do that well in SCHOOL related activities such as math, but are street smart and can handle difficult situations?

I don't understand this? Almost EVERY time, the more physically stronger kids who aren't as smart in school, are just "stronger and have much more street sense are just more naturally dominating against the smart honor roll kids who couldn't last 1 day without his/her mommy or daddy or outside on the streets, and these ones tend to always be weaker and more innocent?

Like I said, ALMOST EVERYTIME thats how it is...




  1. I think the parents cultural backgrounds have a lot to do with it. If a kid's parents are white collar workers and intellectual their kids tend to be the same. If the kid's parents are lower income blue collar types with little formal education they tend to stress stuff like sports and learning a trade.

    Many times kids from lower income families live in rough neighborhoods and spend more time unsupervised because both parents work. Often they have only one parent so they tend to become streetwise at a younger age.  Kids blessed with a better home life are more sheltered from the harsh realities.

    I know my father was always telling me "take good care of your back because you're never going to make a living with your head". He worked in construction, made a good living too. I work as a machinist and mechanic, I do alright.

    Still there are exceptions to the rule, many times kids with well educated and affluent parents with excellent home lifes turn out to be vicious gangbangers too.

  2. The ones who are book worms were sheltered and the one with street smarts were neglected or at least didn't have all that much attention. This isn't in all cases though there are some that have the street smarts and the school smarts. And most have a little of both.  

  3. well everybody is smart in thier own ways i had alot of trouble when i went to schools and i found it was easier when i dropped out because i was tired of the set ups i went through it made my life a living h**l and i never did good in school i have learning disability but i know how to stay safe and protect myself from being harmed and in danger im not really good in school and i am used to having what i want and when i was a kid i didnt really get to see my mother very often and it made me emotional because i was allways close to my mother shes my best friend nobody is actually as weak as you just described because we all have weaknesses and were supposed to help others not put them down for thier weaknesses believe it or not but were not perfect no one is and i know that thier is  a weakness in everyone but it doesnt mean they cant be stronger or have any strong connection that makes them live with a positive attitude  

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