
A question about cleaning someones house for money?

by  |  earlier

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For the people out there that do this, when you clean someones house, are they usually there while you do it? I don't like that, it seems awkard to be cleaning someone elses house for me if they are there.




  1. I don't.  But I would not hire someone I didn't know and leave them alone in my house.  After you work for them for awhile they may get to know and trust you.  A large company is more likely to be trusted than a single individual.  They would have more to lose if an employee stole something.

  2. Unfortunately, People are very untrustworthy in general. And this affects every aspect of our lives. We don't trust our spouses sometimes because we think they are being unfaithful, so we pay more attention. Watch them more often etc.

    This is the same with almost all work situations. People are very very concerned about losing items from their home. They could easily leave you alone, let you steal something, and then report you to the cops and they get their item back. BUT people don't want that hassle. So instead they watch patiently until they feel like they can trust you.

    Try having a converastion with them as you clean. Make light talk, and be courtious. This will eventually help them in trusting you. And you will be able to work peacefully.

  3. I know what you mean, but usually after awhile when they get to know you, the trust grows and they feel more comfortable about leaving. Think if it this way: would you leave a stranger in your home alone? I would not.  But, most maids are not interested in stealing. They want to make a living is all. Large companies hold more opportunities for people to steal because there are more people to do it. After all, one cleaning lady is pretty obvious when she goes to clean a house. She would be the first to be suspected!

    As for the being in a different room. Yes, it is easier to clean without someone sitting there in the middle of it all!

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