
A question about climate change

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I was sitting outside yesterday and noticed a couple of leaves changing color already...the tips of several leaves were red/yellow and a couple were completely red, it was alarming because isn't a little early for this to be happening? I live in Cleveland (Northeastern Ohio)




  1. Mitoses only occurs so many times on the cellular level. To make a distinction between dormancy and meristematic deposition or the influence of auxin and cytokinen. Simply look to see if any new growth has developed on the plant.

  2. Keep paying attention to the weather! Most 'deniers' on here don't realize that the so called "Ice Age",started with just one severe winter. One of the predicted effects of climate change, is the cooling of the continents,because of increased cloud cover,and precipitation.  During the "Ice Age", the Equator region was very hot! The ice did not cover the entire Earth.  Only the northern regions were covered in ice. This fact is very confusing to the ignorant.  

    Weather in the Pac. N.W. has been very unsettled and cooler. Some of the trees here are also getting their fall colors already.  

  3. I have two wisteria vines, one in the patio growing on the patio shelter facing south. The other is on a pergola over the driveway facing north and east. The one on the patio is losing leaves where it is in shade now in mid summer and growing strong with new leaves in areas with good sun exposure. The one on the pergola is not showing any leaf loss because it has constant sun all day long. So I would expect the leaves changing to be in shaded areas.

  4. This has nothing to do with climate change.  I've seen this happen for years.  A few leaves will turn color and fall off, it is a natural occurance.

    Still, I have to congratulate you on your observance, I don't know how many times people just don't notice things like that, for whatever the reason.

  5. the climate is not changing.  the climate is not a steady thing, it goes through blips.  there are a ton of things that influence the climate, you can look back into the extremely small database we have on it and see that.  we also have massive scientific evidence of fluctuating climate.  the evidence put forth for currant "global warming", (or as they are calling it now because they see a cooling trend), "climate change", is so incredibly flawed it's ridiculous.  it has people aware of the weather, and anything they see that is an extreme, (and many things that aren't), they attribute to climate change.  ever notice how people complain every year about "how hot it is", even when you realize it has been a rather cool year?  there are good intentions with a lot of the proponents, but the real mechanism that moves this machine is complete scam.

  6. the seasons are shifting!

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