
A question about creation science textbooks?

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how do you manage to fill 200 pages with "every creation requires a creator"? i mean do you just keep repeating it over and over until the thought becomes branded as a "fact"?




  1. That would be the creationists only option.  It is not a science: it has no valid evidence, it has no theories to explain the phenomena of the natural world, it makes no testable predictions based on theories of the phenomena of the natural world.  It is only an assertion that god-did-it and apologist responses to completely contrived 'problems' with evolution.  It is mind numbingly stupid.  Surely the only way to teach it would be to repeat, ceaselessly, that god-did-it.

  2. I am orange, I am orange, I am orange...

  3. Pandas. Seriously go read one. Pandas.

  4. So we should just make up theories to fill the pages..

  5. They fill in the spaces with lies about biology, geology, physics, and cosmology.

  6. A creation science textbook would cover the steps of the 6-day creation, Flood-plate tectonics, Noah's ark information etc.

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