
A question about dating thugs/gangbangers?

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ok, well first of all let me say that unless you have know one or know what it's like to date a thug/gbanger don't post to this question?

what does it take for a gbanger to leave his gang what is it for them...what is their final straw that will make them realize the bad decision they are making by still living that lifestyle?

why is it that they never seem to realize when they have something good going for them and they always f!uk up something good for them?




  1. once you're in a gang it's really hard to get out

    which is why a lot of them choose to stick with their gangs despite whether or not they're happy.  i guess if they're family is in danger they'll attempt to leave

    but other than that it's almost impossible to leave a gang once you're a member  

  2. You know he's in then accept it. Don't try to be a saint and change him. You might just cause more harm. I used to date one and I had to let go when I know I can't keep up. If you thinking leaving gang is so easy... (it's not kiddy gang he joined) There's no final straw to realisation...C'mon.  

  3. Why can't people understand that you can not change someone. They are who/what they are. Period. You are what you hang with. You won't pull them up, they're stuff is too heavy. That means let go or get dragged down.

    Again. You are what you hang with.  

  4. if it's a real gang, you can't just "leave". if your man is in a gang he can just up and leave, it's not a real gang

  5. I'm amazed that you are actually willing to associate yourself with such people. I know a girl who fell for that whole "Bad Boy" appeal of gangbanger lifestyle but a couple months roll by and she begins to regret her decision, she tried to leave but they ended up killing her and throwing her body in a river.

    But hey, it's your life. Do what you want.

  6. I'm not sure how it goes in the rest of the world but in NZ it was hard for women to leave their men because that was the life they knew..

    now for someone like me I had to leave because those people were driving me crazy. I can't stand guys who hide a patch or the piece of cloth that's hangs over their heads I find it very cowardly... The only reason why I wasn't pursued to go back to the guy was because a family member was higher ranked and my ex was told to back off because I deserved better... My Uncle obviously didn't like the guy..

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