
A question about dropping?

by  |  earlier

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im 31 weeks how do i know when i'll drop?




  1. you won't..... I tried monitoring every little change to my body and nothing indicated when my baby was coming. I was 32 weeks, 2 cm dialated 75% effaced and still nothing!!! I had contractions (not painful) but INTENSE contractions for 4 weeks straight 5 to 10 minutes apart. It got to the point where my doctor would even witness these contractions during examination and time them for me. He eventually had to induce me at 38 weeks. He joked with the other nurses that i was in labor for a month and this was the longest Labor he had ever witnessed. I know it's nerve racking to have to wait soooooooo long to see your bundle of joy, and i won't tell you to be patient because that use to irritate the c**p out of me too, but when your baby is finally here it will all be worth the Looooooong wait!! Congrats mama and Good luck!

  2. the doctor will tell you and it wont be until after 37 weeks

  3. your very close maybe two or three more weeks maybe sooner

  4. he dropped 2days ago, 33weeks.. I noticed it becsue i felt alot of preassure on my bladder and used the bathroom more frequent, my bladder would even feel full after going pee because of the preassure.

  5. You will feel the baby more in your hips or pelvis maybe. I knew when I started feeling an elbow popping against my pelvis... I was about 30 weeks when the baby dropped, but I am on my 3rd kiddo, and so many people with first or second children dont drop untill much later- but it can happen at any time. Also once they get head down and drop, they can come back out- with my 2nd , she dropped and sat there for 4 weeks, then decided to laysideways for 3 weeks, the dropped back down 2 days before she came out--- So it really depends on baby...

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