Okay, a few days ago, I went to a new company (VisionWorks) I haven't been to before, to get some contacts. I've worn them for a year or two now, and it's required for me to get a new prescription to get some more, of course. I wore my contacts there...had a field vision test with them in, then took them out and had the regular eye exam. I was 5.25 in the right eye and 5.50 in the left eye for like a year with my previous contacts. Part way through the test, the doctor wanted to test and see how I did with 5.75 in both eyes. I put those in...it was a little blurry. Held up two little lenses in front of my eyes with the 5.75 contacts in and said, "This should make them 5.50." It looked a lot clearer. Back out of the room I went...I got 5.50's for each eye that time. The test went very well, but he asked if it was a good time to have my eyes dilated. I didn't want to do it on that day, and I don't remember that being a 'requirement.' It wasn't when I got my other contacts.