
A question about foals....?

by  |  earlier

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okay, im gonna breed my mare this fall and i had a few questions about foals. this is gonna be my first baby and i dont know much about the care for them. when do you first put the halter on?i want to start it with natural horsemanship(parelli), when can i start this?

just give me everything you know on foal care, anything is appreciated. thanks!




  1. There is alot to learn! You need to know how to imprint the foal,too!

    I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you go to a book store or a feed store and buy a book called "Storeys guide to Training Horses".That book will tell you everything about handeling foals and training them.The book costs around $20.00,but it is well worth it! Trust me.

  2. Once you reach the point were the foal doesn't need to feed on it's mother is when you can start puting a haulter on.

  3. Before I answer, I have a question for you! :)  

    Why are you breeding your mare, and what made you decide to do so?!  


  4. There is always a lot to learn about foals. As soon as they are born it is always a good idea to imprint them. This means rubbing them all over, loving them, and getting them used to humans. Let them know that humans are not a threat to them. When they are about three days old, put a halter on them, and start teaching them to lead on a lead rope. This is much easier when they are very young and starts them on the right road to being a much better behaved horse as an adult. I have raised many foals, and this method has always worked the best for me.

  5. There is so much to anything and everything you can find (the John Lyons books are great for first-timers) and spend some time talking with a good vet.  I have been breeding Quarter Horses for about 12 years now and it seems with each baby I learn something new.

    Putting the first halter on is something that varies for us.  Every breeder will have an opinion.  A lot of the decision is based on attitude and personality of the foal.  I have put them on as early as 3 weeks or as late as 4 months.  I never leave the halter on all the time though.  They will get used to it through repetition.

    I really don't do the "Pirelli" stuff, however I do handle my foals everyday.  Early on it's just playing with ears and nose, lifitng their feet, etc to get them used to being handled.  As they grow I will work on leading, manners and longeing, but just for short times (5 minutes max) and never harshly or strenuously.

    The important thing is doing something with them everyday, even if its only brushing them or cleaning their feet.  It will make them easier to handle down the road.  It is also important to make sure they know you are the boss.  You do not to be harsh, just don't let them push you around.

    Be sure to keep your mare healthy and give her a good diet.  The healthier the mare, the healthier the baby.

    Hope this is helpful!  Email me if you think of anything else!

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