
A question about herbs and horses?

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Can I use Saint John's wort to calm down my horse?




  1. As many of the other users pointed out St. Johns is poisonous to horses, however if you looking for an herbal remidy to calm you horse, simply dab a bit of lavender on his/her nose. It works in the same way for horses as it dose for us.

  2. st john's wort is of the same family as ragwort - it will damage your horse's liver!!!!! DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO EAT IT

    It is used in people to calm them down but it is toxic to horses.

    If you need to calm him down there are herbal calmers available. I believe they tend to contain magnesium, but your best bet would be to go and talk to your feed merchants as they will know what is availabel where you live and will have specialist knowledge on the different ones available.

    Also you should look at what you are feeding your horse. A diet with too much starch and sugar can cause your horse to be fizzy and excitable. It depends on the individual horse as to what suits them so it would be worth trying a few different feeds and different amounts - just make sure you make any changes gradually over a few weeks as otherwise you can get a colic.

    To give you an idea of the effect feeding can have - we have a 12year old cob who although spooky when out is the best natured thing you're going to come across, we ride to the field bareback in a headcollar, although he's a big strong horse, small children can and do safely ride him with no bother, I started riding him as soon as I could stand after breaking my ankles etc (this is to give you an idea of him - think chilled out, you can do anything with etc). After three days on a new feed - supposed to be a cool mix, so no fizzieness etc - he was rearing, biting, kicking, bolting, you name he did it. He was promptly taken off that food and withing a few days was back to normal, he also can't eat lots of haylage as this makes him fizzy as well, although not as bad as the above feed.

    My sister want's to add that valerian can also be used as a calmer if he is really bad, but try the magnesium ones and feed first.

  3. Noooooooo! It is poisonous!!!

    For calming, try this: Equine America's Magnitude.

    I've tried every single one of the market (practically lol) for my loopy TB and this works a treat :-) Cheap too!

  4. No Saint John's wort if not good for horses. Please see the following sight. This is not good for grazing livestock.

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