
A question about human emotion -?

by Guest32183  |  earlier

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This is a question I would like to pose in order to help me out with a project that I am currently working on. The more detailed you're answer is, the better, of course any and all serious contributions are much appreciated.

How and to what extent do you think that you're knowledge and the way that you use your knowledge, has been influenced by human emotion you have experienced? This includes love, fear, jealousy etc.

Thank-you in advance for your helpful contributions




  1. When I was younger, I would say that human emotion played a huge part of my decision making. However, as I have aged and gained life exprience, I would say that most decisions are based upon facts except, when it comes to decisions of family members with whom I have emotional ties.

    In other words, when my son wakes me up at 1am and asks me to pick him up from the bus station in Boston, I will surely get dressed and run out. I have emotional ties which make me fear for his safety and happiness.

    However, when one of his friends asks the same of me, I ask how that person got into such a situation that landed him somewhere at that hour. I then weight  the pros and cons of my own safety. (I.e., woman alone on road at night, woman at bus station at 1am, etc.) At that point, I would start to look for alternative methods to help. "Have you called your own parents?" "Do you have money for a hotel?" "Is there a friend you can call?"

    I hope this helps.

  2. How? When I learn something I can decide whether or not this information is true or not and then decide if its true, and if I'm interested, I can then put faith in it. Putting hope and other emotions into that subject when I am processing knowledge.

    But as for "using" the knowledge in a scenrio where I hear somthing that I beleive is wrong I can be extremely influenced by emotion. (These r the answers u want rite?) Say for instance someone speaks for me when I am  know a something completely differently I am filled with hate for that untrue "fact" being spread and I will spread the knowledge I know to be true.

    When I spread knowledge I know I am happy to be teaching this knowledge (I suppose). Knowledge can also be used when u r in trouble. Fear usually makes lie such as when someone corners u when u hav conflicting stories. They can use their knowlegde of deception to trick them. Knowledge is powerfully controling how we all share and use our knowledge and it evn affects the emotions we experiance such as when I learn about a hateful enviornment I wouldn't even want to touch it/them in "fear" that I might catch it like a plague. We use our knowledge and we r affected not only by emotions but the phisical world around us.

    I hope I helped!

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