
A question about magic the gathering Type2?

by  |  earlier

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Im now playing magic the gathering again and already know whats in Type 2 . My question is it seems to be too many sets for a type 2. Last when I played during the Odyssey Block, the sets were Odyssey, Torment, and Judgement. Also back during that time Invasion Block was Type 2. Then when Onslaught became Type 2 , the Invasion Block rotated out. My question is how Type 2 Blocked are rotating now.




  1. They are rotating out in the same way, we have just had large blocks recently.

    Standard is always the current block plus the most recent core set plus the previous block. When the next block comes in, the oldest block rolls out. This will be Shards of Alara on October 3rd, 2008 and it will rotate out Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, Future Sight, and Cold Snap (which is not a part of the Time Spiral block, but attached to it so it has a chance to be in Standard).

    I know you already know what is in Standard, but to reiterate:

    [Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, Future Sight, Cold Snap], Tenth Edition, [Lorwyn, Morningtide, Shadowmoor, Eventide (July 25th)]

    The brackets represent the chunks that will rotate out when appropriate. Tenth will be replaced by Eleventh when Eleventh is released sometime next year.

    So to sum up why there are so many sets in standard now:

    1. Cold Snap was given a chance to shine even though it is part of the Ice Age block.

    2. Lorwyn - Eventide is an uberblock with Lorwyn + Morningtide and Shadowmoor + Eventide being miniblocks within that uberblock.

    3. Timespiral had Timeshifted cards in the packs, which are Standard Legal, adding 121 cards to the mix.

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