
A question about minorities.?

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What are the major strategies and tactics used by various minority groups to reach full participation in American society?

I know protesting is one, but what are the others?




  1. American Indian.....................government programs

    Eastern Indians ( India ).........traditional family values, academic excellence and education.......then more education.......learning the language of the culture they move into.....self sufficiency

    Orientals....China, Japan, Korea...traditional family values, academic excellence and education.......then more education.......learning the language of the culture they move into.....self sufficiency

    Latino and Mexican.......hard work, family values, many do not learn the language........overall.....make their ancestors proud

    Black as much as they have been here for 500 plus years, free for almost 150 years........regrettably less than 20% share the qualities of the Eastern Indians and Asians........the other 80% are using tactics and strategies that their leaders, Jackson, Sharpton and Screwy Louie have promoted, regrettably, these don't work.

  2. Lobbying for new laws and new protections is a good way.

    The best way is to get a high education, because then NO one can keep you down!

  3. Well I'm Asian and when was the last time you heard of Asian protesting  ? lol

      I guess the best we can do is to learn the language, obey the law and pay taxes just like every other American !  

  4. Spend money in the right places - support their communities. Nothing speaks louder than cash. If a corporation is not diverse enough, pull the plug and stop spending money there.

    Many years ago a really famous Beer maker fired an employee because he was g*y. g*y people and their friends all stopped drinking the beer. The company took a huge hit, and eventually started sponsoring g*y events and increasing diversity in the organization.  

  5. welfare and education..

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