
A question about pay while in Army BCT. ?

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My husband just started his actual bct today, but has been in reception for a week. While in reception, he called me and told me all the finances were set up, and that he would be getting paid on the 1st and 15, well, today, is the 15, and there is NOTHING in our bank account. I mean, nothing. I don't know if I could find out what's going on from his recruiter, or if any of you know why he hasnt recieved any pay yet? I asked him if he'd be getting paid today, and he said yes, could they have not entered him in the system? Is it a waste of time to call his recruiter?




  1. sometimes it takes a little longer depending on who you bank with. give it a day or so and then talk to someone at the bank, and then if that doesn't work talk to his recruiter. he should be able to tell you where to go from there.  you may have to do some running in circles but the Army is usually pretty good about taking care of its own.

  2. DFAS needs time to put him in the system and they have cutoff dates for pay before they have to roll it over to the next pay period.  When I joined it took me a month to get paid.  If he isn't paid by the next pay period he can get with his drill sergeants to get an appointment with finance and see what is going on.  His recruiter can only advise you at this point because he has nothing to do with the pay system.

  3. You have to be patient.  If he just left he isn't going to get paid right away.  I would at least wait until the 1st of September before you start worrying.  

  4. I was told when my hubby leaves I will have to wait at least one month for anything and its only partial, they give him an advance when he gets there to help by his supplies, so hang on it will come on the 1st or at the latest the 15 of next month.

    God Bless you and your Soldier.

  5. You have to be patient you wont get anything till about a month or so. He only started basic today...he didn't even earn that money yet BELIEVE ME! He doesn't know when he's getting paid it would be like a month or so until then you have to depend on yourself. If your not working that's not gonna be good. It's best if you get an account with USAA that's a bank for military it gives you your money on the 14th. You also get your money back for using ATMs because USAA isn't a bank you see everywhere. Until then just do your own thing you wont be seeing that money as fast as you think.

  6. It would be a waste to call his recruiter.  He doesn't have access to any of the pay information and even if he did he couldn't give you any information unless you have a very specific power of attorney (POA).  

    Hang tight if you can.  Sometimes it takes a while to get entered into the system and get your pay up and running.  Just like it can for any job.  But when his pay does kick in his first check should include back pay for all the time he's already been in.

    ETA:  Who you bank with won't matter as long as he had the right RTN (routing transit number) and bank account number.  We've always used local credit unions which definitely not national.  You might let him know the $ didn't come in and give him the numbers again just to make sure.  The only way the bank really makes a difference in when you get paid is that some "military affiliated" institutions (like Navy Federal Credit Union) actually get the money in their accounts a day before most other banks show the money in their accounts.

  7. pay takes up to six -8 weeks before it first hits.  reception week doesn't count.  assuming all the information was received during P still takes a few days for all of the incoming recruits' information to be entered into  he system.

    he MIGHT get paid 1 September.. but plan on 15 September.  It will be backdated.  

  8. He isn't going to get paid until he's been there a full pay period so on the 1st of next month he'll be paid for the pay period starting today plus the week he's been at reception.

  9. Why would he get paid before he has done anything? He just started so like in any other job he has to do something before getting paid. The pay for the 15th covers te 1st to the 15th, the paperwork is filed and submitted by the 7th so because he has only been there a week and didn't start until the 15th, the earliest payday would be Sept 1st.  The pay can actually take up 8 weeks before it will be deposited depending on the branch.  It will be backdated to the date he started.  

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