
A question about post wisdom tooth removal?

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I had my wisdom teeth removed a few weeks ago and lately I've been feeling like there is something stuck in the very back of my mouth. I swished as hard as I could to try to remove it and it didn't help. So finally I saw there was a little piece of food stuck there and I got it with a toothpick. But now there's this gaping hole in the back of my mouth. I don't know how big it is but I can't see the bottom of it even with a flashlight. It's the bottom right tooth and it was impacted if it matters.

My dentist isn't open tomorrow and the oral surgeon I went to is a huge b*tch and has lost all interest in me now that she has her money. I don't want some food to get really stuck down in there and get infected or something but I have to eat.

Does anyone know if this is normal and if I should avoid food tomorrow?




  1. I had that same problem when I had mine out. I found using a water pick on the lowest setting helped me keep the hole cleaned out. If it doesn't work or is painful, just talk to your dentist when he/she gets back into the office.

    And if it makes you feel better, instead of solid foods, try foods like soup, applesauce, creamed potatoes, puddings and other really soft stuff. Avoid chewing on that side of your mouth (if it is just one side affected) and continue swishing even though you think it may not be helping. If there is food in it but not deep, it will wash it out.

    Eventually within a couple more weeks, that hole should close up more.

  2. I haven't gotten my wisdom teeth out, but I can understand how you feel because I am getting them out soon.

    I apologize if this isn't too helpful, but I suggest that unless you can FOR SURE find out that this is normal to refrain from eating anything that could get stuck in it for the next day.

    Try to stick to soup for tomorrow or maybe macaroni & cheese, just small soft things and try to chew on the other side of your mouth to make sure you don't irritate it any further.

    Hope this helps!

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