
A question about puberty.

by Guest57520  |  earlier

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Ok Well I go to military school and I always have to shower with my schoolmates after gym and before bed and well they always make fun of me becasue I have a small p***s. And dont ask why they are looking I have no clue =[. But well I'm 12 years old I think I have hit puberty I have pube hair and stuff but my p***s is only like 2 1/2 inches long =[. when will it grow?




  1. when u hit ur grow spurt that'll help and i mean umight just have a small p***s j/k but mostly when u hit ur grow spurt

  2. your p***s is normal for a 12 year old

    yes it will grow

    since you have some pubic hair you ahve started puberty

  3. The big question about puberty is "When will it start?".  Since you have pubes, you've started.  There's no way to know which characteristics you'll develop next, but be assured you should see some growth there pretty soon.  

    I'm sorry that your schoolmates have picked on you, especially about something you can't control.  Remember how that felt and don't be guilty of treating others the way you've been treated.

  4. Don't worry man!

    It'll grow.

    As well, good luck in military shool.

  5. Yes it will grow probably to average(5.8-6 inches). Just so you know you can even pleasure a girl great with a 4.5 inch p***s. My girlfriends ex had a 4 inch and he did just fine i guess. You don't want one any bigger than 7 inches really because than it might hurt a girl.

  6. your bodies are all different some peoples body develops quicker I'm 14 and wen i was 12 i was gagging for s*x i didn't care wat size my p***s was because as u get older it will grow

  7. dude im 12 right now and i started puberty at 10, but dont worry i still think i have a small p***s but then i checked and im about average, so i started early, and u started late, thats what happens our bodys are all different. oh and advice on the kids looking at u..... Yell at them and say Wat the H*** are u g*y or somethin, why dont u go hang out with ur boyfriend!

  8. Don't worry about it, I used to think the same thing when I was 12. I am 15 now and I'm sure it has grown significantly.

    And when they start lookin' just say "wtf man are you g*y or something?"

    Don't worry, you will have the last laugh :D

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