
A question about pushups?

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How wide a grip do you need when doing pushups? Also what area of muscles does it traget? I find just chest and tricep but what about the back?

Also, any good back exercises (lower and upper)




  1. It is best to keep your arms shoulder width apart for traditional pushups.

    It will work your shoulders.

  2. Push Ups mostly concentrate on Arms and shoulders.

  3. there are different kinds of push ups:

    when u keep ur arms shoulder wide and palms open, u exercise ur frontal bicep and tricep.

    when u keep ur arms shoulder wide and fists closed with knuckles on the ground u exercise ur elbows and forearms.

    when u spread ur arms more than a shoulder u exercise ur chest and back.

    when u keep a shoulder width with palms on the ground and facing each other u get a more specified effect on ur chest and forearm.

    hope i've been helpful.

  4. Pushups are best down with a close grip and your back should be straight at all times. You should bring your chest down to where it almost touches the floor then push back up.

    Muscles worked: Bis, Abs,Shoulders,Chest,Tris.

    Good back excersies would be pull ups and deadlift(lower back).

  5. keep you hands below your shoulders

    just do as many as you can (till you collapse), ten get up and do it again, do that 2 to 3 times a day, and it will strengthen all your upper body

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