
A question about roosters?

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I have 6 young chickens that hatched in Febuary. I think four of them are females (maybe 3) and the rest are roosters. I have 6 other chickens (female) which are all fully grown and lay eggs. We dont really want to eat fertilised eggs so want to get rid of the roosters or maybe keep just one.

Then we thought we might just keep all the roosters. If we do, will they fight to the death and stuff or will they just get along because their brothers?

They are all freerange and roam around the nextdoors chicken coop a bit where there is one other rooster.

Do you think they will "compete" with the neighbours rooster and try and get into the neighbours coop with other females?





  1. they will fight, but only to determine dominance.....   however, if you only have a handful of hens, you don't want to have a lot of roosters......    1 or 2 roosters to 10 hens is the most you should have!!!

  2. it just depends on the roosters attitudes, some will some wont.. ud just have 2 wait and see, gather ur eggs daily and its just as safe and good as eating non fertile eggs.  good luck

  3. You can have several roosters, but be forewarned they will all compete to be the alpha-male, the leader. Depending on the age of your chickens three years and older they may be pass breeding age so no worries..

  4. (I don't know what kind of chickens they are (I'm on dialup, so I can't watch the video), but the roosters of most breeds will tolerate each other if they've grown up together, especially if they have lots of room. By the time they're adults, they will already have decided who is on top. Yes, if they can fly into your neighbor's yard, they will, and as they get older, your neighbor's rooster might take great offense to that and will try to chase them off. They will only get hurt if they try to challenge him.

    There is nothing wrong with eating fertile eggs. You won't be finding a baby chick inside if you collect the eggs every day.

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