
A question about snooker?

by  |  earlier

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I love the game of snooker. I know in the case of snooker, if one player misses the target ball, his opponent can ask that the referee replace the ball on the original position and the former player shoot again. But if the referee places the ball mistakenly or not cautiously enough so the white ball can hit the target ball directly (what a mistake!! It's not a snooker now and the referee should be dismissed of course), can the player take this advantage and hit the target ball directly? If he really does this, can his oppenent protest and ask that the balls be positioned again and the former shoot once more?




  1. I have never seen it happen before. The ref would usually ask both players to have a look and make sure its been put back where it was. I have seen on some of the tournaments on TV that they even asked the commentators to check the replays to see if its placed right.

  2. they would check with each other because they are very sporting and fair

  3. Mistaken refs decision should be overturned  and ball placed in orig pos.

    Contest if otherwise no ref can (rearange balls in favor of player) that im sure of

    i would not ref a snooker game i would wear out a rule book trying to rember all the rules but that one im sure of.

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