
A question about splits?

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Is it possible for your hips to be too tight to do splits the whole way? My center split isn't very wide but it feels like if i go any further i will literally break my hips? Also, on my right and left splits, I can't go down the whole way without MAJOR pain...It feels like the bones in my legs are grinding against my hip sockets and I just can't go any furher. Also, when I am trying to do right and left splits, the muscles in the back of my thighs pull HORRIBLY...I can't straighten both legs all the way without it feeling like the muscles(/tendons/whatever they're called) are going to rip? I'm asking because I've been dancing ballet for almsot 10 years and I STILL can't do splits...I could probably work harder at them but I don't really think my body CAN do them? Is that possible?




  1. you sound exactly like i once did!

    and yes your hips CAN be a little tight.

    but don't worry it's all normal and with practice you will loosen up and get your splits!

    as for your center split, widen your legs as far as you can, not to where your really hurting but where you can feel like its about as far as you can go. then, lean forward, try to touch your face/stomach to the floor. don't go down too far, just go to where you can feel it pulling your muscles a little. it will be hard, but hold this for a minute.when you get up from the split, move your legs back veryyy slowly and get up slowly because you will be stiff!

    as for your right/left splits, the muscle pain your feeling is normal. like i said this all really just takes practice, just don't overdo it or you could pull a muscle. the muscle pulling in the back of your thighs means your legs aren't stretched enough. a good way to practice this is stand up straight, and pick up one leg, hold your heel with both hands.try to straighten your leg out and pull it towards your head/body. this is called a stationary and it WILL hurt. pull it only to where you can feel a little pressure/pain, but NOT too much! hold it for about 30secs-1min.

    for your hip bones on your splits, make sure the leg that is behind you (the left in a right split or right in a left split) is NOT turned out. this is wrong technique and will cause major discomfort. make sure the knee of the back leg is on the floor.

    my best advice is practice, practice, practice! trust me, i used to be the exact same way, veryyy stiff but once you get to stretching every day, and reallyyyyyy pushing yourself, you will loosen up and be able to do just about anything with flexability! like i said, make sure you go down in your splits and stretches right until you start to feel a pull or pressure and hold it. if you can't feel anything you aren't stretching hard enough. stretching all the way until where it pulls will allow you to go down that far without pull, and then you can go farther and farther!

    good luck! you can do it!

  2. I can only support what Sarah said - very good answer from her! There might be a tiniy number of people who are not able to reach full splits because of their bone structure - however this is rare.

    You might also consider working with a partner - this helped me a lot in improving flexibility. Just be careful not to overdo it.

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