
A question about sty? What should I expect?

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I was diagnosed with sty a few days ago on one of my eyes. The eye with sty was swollen and six or more wrinkles, so it looks like I have a droopy eyelid and I look asymmetrical. It has been about three or four days, the wrinkles have decreased, but still slightly droopy. Will it ever go back to normal?

I kind of feel hideous already as I was originally... so that's why I was worried. I have seen a doctor, but i haven't talked to him about it as much. He just told me to add a bit of warm pressure to the infected eye four to six times a day and it will go away.




  1. I had one years ago.  I tried the hot compresses for a few days, but they didn't work.  

    I had to go to an ophthalmologist (not a optometrist, one is medical, the other just gives you glasses/contacts) and they ended up having to lance it (that's sticking a needle in the abscess and draining it).  It was quick and it looked better almost immediately.  The redness went away in another few days.

    If you're female, make sure you always wash off your makeup at night, so you don't clog you eye pores.

    Good luck!

  2. Do the eye compress flip the eye lid and make sure it doesn't have an eye lash that is ingrown - if so pull it out with tweezers.

    Compress on/off hotter the better.

    Also at night sleep with two pillows to circulate fluids/blood to the area...

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