
A question about the NY police killing?

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Why is the New York shooting a race issue? It's a tragedy, to be sure, but why is it a race thing? The policemen were not all white (one was hispanic and one black) so I don't understand why the race issue is being used.

I can understand the family (and really anyone with any compassion or sense) wanting the policemen to be punished for needlessly killing Mr. Bell, but I don't understand why it's a race thing.

Is our society really that pathetic and bigotted as to cause us to believe that if it had been a white man shot the policemen would have been found guilty in the exact same circumstances?

Or do we believe that the officers would never have thought there was a gun if it hadn't been a black man?

Can someone enlighten me? I really don't understand. And please don't be jackholes. I'm not trying to be ignorant, so pleas ereturn the favor. And I'm not racist, so don't bother with that either. Just answer the darn question or more on.




  1. Your second and third paragraphs are exactly correct - particularly the third, except that these beliefs are accurate.  It is society's, particularly the police's, patheticity and bigotry that make the statements otherwise correct.

  2. Cinny baby they gotta sell some ad space so they're going to pump up the public outrage to a fever pitch.

  3. It has nothing to do with race.  Al Sharpton is making a race issue out of it.  I would be upset if my relative had been killed, too, but i wouldnt start screaming that they were shot because they were a different race.

  4. Ist of all the Bell guy made the first move using deadly force. It is a race issue to them because, even though 2 of the cops were black and 1 Hispanic, they are trained and supposedly manipulated by the white establishment. Far reaching but it is an excuse to use racism. It would not have mattered what race the people involved were there would be the same outcome if the same circumstances arose. Give the judge some credit. Don't you think he knew full well the decision he made would bring on some negative reaction but he made it anyway. Something was wrong and it lies with Bell and his actions. For all of you who think everyone is corrupt nothing is going to convince you that the true story has been told.  But by doing so you are cheating and lying to yourself.  Just like Bell's witnesses all liars. That does seem to go hand in hand with some parts of this country now.

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