These arent the real names. I'll use Bob, Billy, and Joe.
Recently, my friend Bob and a 2 other of his friends Billy and Joe smoked the drug salvia. Bob called me after and told me about it. He said that he was fine at first, and he took a big big hit, and he started buggin out. He said he dropped everything that was in his hands and ran in his room and instead of laying under his sheets, he layed under his matress and kept repeating "i need to chill out, i'm gonna die" Bob told me he really thought he was on the verge of dying and alls he kept thinking in his head was, Lex(me) i love you, i love you (his sister, brother, family) he said he just kept naming all the people he loved and really thought he was gonna die. He said it was hard for him to breath and he was just buggin out. Bob said after like 2 minutes he chilled out and he went to check on Billy and Joe. He said Billy had then took a big hit, and started buggin out. He said that he kept saying the walls were closing in on him and he started throwing up. They all chilled out after a while but were still high, just not buggin out. Bob told me he's done alot of drugs in his life and he's never felt like that before and that he would NEVER do it again.
So my question is, is that what always happens, you feel like your going to die? Or is the side effects different for everyone.
And how can a drug that makes you feel like that be LEGAL, and weed relaxs you and gives you a good feeling, and is ILLEGAL.