
A question about tropical fry?

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When I left for work this morning one of our fish had given birth to four fry (that we could see). If we do not intervene and separate the fry will the platys (we have two) and mollie eat most of them? I feel horrible that if I let nature take it's course they will be eaten but I do not want 40 fish either.




  1. Yes they would, sorry to say.  This is one factor that is common in almost any and all live bearers unfortunatly.  While it's a rewarding experience for the fish keeper to see reproduction and being a sign of a good tank, also consider just like you closed with, how will you deal with and cope with the additional population.  Think also too that if and when these four grow up, they will be encouraged to breed in turn.  The females of pretty much all live bearers in the fish world produce fry on a monthly basis for the most part.  If you don't have a plan to deal with the increased population and bio load, just leave things be.  I'd estimate at least 90% should be eaten thus keeping a natural population control in place.

    Yes, female livebearers have the ability to store sperm for later births even if a male is not present.  Not all the fry might come out at one time too.  You can have multiple births over a period of a few days.

  2. They could very well get eaten try puting some floating veggitation for the fry to hide in.

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