
A question about young Cockatiels???

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I just bought a 2 month Cockatiel

& his head is sort of bald Will he new feathers on his head?Also how can I make him more tame??




  1. Yse Regaine. Oh, wait, that is for hair regrowing not feathers! Can try still, maybe can become a handsome cockstiel with long hair.

    To tame him, you must have patience and thick skin. Patience to teach and thick skin to withstand the bites.

  2. The bald spot is normal. You should only be able to see it if he raises his crest. Make sure you handle him (gently) a lot. Speak softly, and don't be afraid. They can sense fear, like a dog. If you hesitate, he'll probably nip more than if you're confident. Cocktail LOVE to play with toys. So he doesn't get bored, and mean, make sure he has at least three different toys at a time, and switch them out with others once in a while!

  3. 2 months?

    All their feathers should be grown out. Is he all yellow? Or A Lutino? Because Lutino's will usually have a bald spot on their heads.

    All it takes to tame a cockatiel is time my friend. Time nad loving kindness to DROWN the dear little fellow. :]

    cockatiels bond very quickly and since your bird is so young, he should bond to you just like that [insert snap]

    Just slowly day by day just spend more and more time with him and let him sit on your shoulder, stand on your stomach when you lay down, or just rest on anywhere on your body. Legs, finger...etc.

    You can also speak softly to the guy and make him soothe down and mellow. <3

  4. I would ask a vet about the baldness it could be bad

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