
A question bout lizards?

by  |  earlier

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hey there is this lizard inside my kitchen light and it has been in there for the past 4 mounths and it is still alive i just wanna kno how long they live without food becuase there is no food in there and it has been for mounths i am surprised it isnt burned up cuz of the light.




  1. it usually depends on the type of lizard,he could be hibernating unless he is moving around if he is it doesn't seem healthy for him, is he stuck? if he is you should probably get him out with a stick and box

  2. If he's been there for four months, I can't see why you haven't gotten him out yet! That is REALLY awful of you. He's probably just barely scraping by... if you are creeped out, get someone tough to come in and get him out. I can't help but think you are asking this question because you WANT it to die.. but seriously, let it out in the back yard. It has a better chance for a good life outside than stuck in YOUR house.

  3. If its a gecko it will be fine, it will be eating the small bugs that get trapped in there that are attracted by the light :) I wouldnt be too concerned if you know he is still alive and moving

    I think you should really ignore what these other people are telling you, your not negligent for leaving nature run it's course, it's a small lizard, seriously most people know that they live in those sort of spaces for the mere fact they have a huge food supply in there and it's warm!! IT IS NOT HIBERNATING IN A LIGHT... if it got in there it can surely get out..

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