
A question for 'mild' feminists,Olympic beach volleyball maximum uniform question?

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I've just watched the male beach volleyball players looking relaxed on the beach in baggy surf shorts.

How do the Olympic organisers get away with the maximum uniform restrictions that ensure skimpy costumes for the female competitors?

I could understand equal requirements on safety grounds(pole vault springs to mind).

Why do the women competitors accept this?

Wouldn't a little sisterhood go a long way,especially in a time of equality.How would a Burkini be received?

When I was first at voting age my female friends would have been boiling over at the likes of this.

i don't just mean this,the last time I saw a crowd of students girls they were all dressed a 'naughty schoolgirls'

Where are the DM's??!

We males need guidance.

Oooh, have I found the catagory for this!?




  1. I think that is quite sexist. As far as I'm concerned, it's a mystery why the don't complain. It's not like a one piece suit would give them any advantages.

  2. I for one am not complaining.

  3. In this century you would think women would be fighting for equal rights harder than ever, but I think we have gotten lazy in our fight for equality.  Instead we are on a false crusade to be liked by all, especially by men.  Flash a little skin and jump around like the judges ask, and you to can bring home the gold.  Disgusting, but every place (tv, magazines, movies, music, etc) we women look, reminds us of how imperfect we are.  Consider women temporarily brain washed.  Don't worry, we'll take care of this one as well once we come to our sense's and realize we don't have to succumb to such degrading uniforms.

  4. They obviously don't mind too much.  I think they would prefer more people to pay attention to the effort they're putting into winning a sport they've trained extremely hard to compete in and try to win for their country, though, as opposed to everyone debating what they're wearing.  How would you feel if you worked and trained your whole entire life, and it all came down to this point...immense pressure upon you to perform your skill for the entire world...and people were talking about your clothes?  That would flat out offend me...MUCH more than skimpy clothing.

  5. Your question is extremely convoluted. But if I understand it correctly females-volleyball players say that their outfits are extremely comfortable and that this is their main priority. They wouldn't play in anything else more restrictive. The rest is irrelevant to them and I am all for it. ...And why are we all so scared of nudity? I for one being 125 lbs and in shape share their lack of care about being somewhat exposed. The setting is right - don't see any problems. Would you rather them play in long skirts and with scarfs on their heads?

  6. I don't care if they wear swimsuits. It is beach volleyball, after all. I just wish the ones they had on had a little more coverage. Seeing some the women constantly tugging on them or adjusting them showed they were riding up into areas they shouldn't have been.

  7. Gimme a break.

    The gear they wear is hardly revealing.  No thongs, no plunging necklines.  These women have no fat on their bodies, and therefore have no b*****s.  There is nothing to gawk at.   Photos of Amazonian gatherer-hunter tribe women published in National Geographic Magazine are more erotic.

  8. I want to know who made the decision for the US women to wear white.  Especially in the rain.  There doesn't seem to be a compelling reason for the skimpy uniforms, but if the competitors are bothered by it, I would imagine they could refuse.

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