
A question for Australians!?

by Guest44954  |  earlier

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I really want to go to Australia some day and I was wondering if what people say about the amount of spiders there is true? I know those sort of things get exaggerated so I was wondering how often you come across spiders in general in your house for instance. Are there more in inland areas for instance? I have a dreadful phobia and if I was going to have to deal with them everyday, I couldn't deal with it! I've heard there aren't as many as you hear about.




  1. akiasfad is totally wrong about no spiders on the coast,the Sydney funnel web is a deadly spider and is found on the NSW coast. not that you would see one often but they are there

    you see spiders in the homes often but usually they are the harmless ones,you just need to be cautious when gardening and moving outdoor rubbish and stuff

  2. We get a fair few spiders at my place but I live in a bush area in Brisbane in sub-tropical Queensland. Our spiders are big but harmless and we've never seen a poisonous one here. I had a terrible phobia of them when I came to this house and was too scared to go in a room if one was in there, but they really are harmless and you get used to them. Mind you, if a big one got on me I'd scream the place down and probably die of fright.

    Even though ours is an ideal habitat for them, we still only get one or maybe two in a bad month.

    In most places in Australia, you could go for months or even years without having a spider in the house so don't worry, you will probably not see one during your entire visit.

    While we're talking about horror stories about Australia...

    I had never seen a snake before we came to this house (that was in over 30 years) and I've never seen a shark even having spent a lot of time at the beach. Or a crocodile or a marine stinger, or any of the other nasties the place is said to be crawling with.

  3. It is like what everyone said.

    It's not like you are going to see it everywhere you walk down the street or every shops or everyday they come into you house.

    There are spiders all over the place but you rarely see them. Ad if you see one, more likely they will run away FROM YOU.

    I actually used to have huntsman living up on my bedroom ceiling. It may sound creepy but actually it is great for my house. He keeps all the other creepy crawlies away. He stays up there and is no bother to me at all.


  4. I live in suburban Sydney and I get the occasional Huntsman (a big spider can be about 4-5 inches across), Daddy Long Legs and St Andrews Cross. Have less now I no longer have a tree in my backyard. Not many survive in the City, more in the bush areas.

  5. It's all exaggerated...  There ARE spiders here, but no more than just about anywhere else.

    My partner was worried about going to the US with me a few months back, thinking that there were bears and mountain lions everywhere, so we had to reassure him that althought they're common, his chances of running into one was pretty slim.

    The 2nd day we were there, we woke up to a mountain lion lion pacing on the porch eyeing off my son's house cats

  6. i have them all the time in my house.

    but don't be scared of them most don't bite.

    i pick them up and just put them outside.

    no big deal

  7. I live in Far North Queensland and i come across a spider once every 2-3 months. it's not that bad. but if you don't bother them they wont bother you. they can't hurt you. they are more scared of you than you are of them.

  8. I do not see many. I do not know anyone who has actually been bitten by one. Majority that are found in houses actually assist to reduce the number of very annoying insects like cockroaches, ants and mozzies.

    Mozzies are actually the most deadly of all insects.

    Spiders are great, they cannot really see very far despite having a bunch of eyes so if you see one chances are they cannot see you.  The biggest scariest looking ones are usually the least dangerous, they just suffer from bad press.

    Just be sure to bring the  mozzie repellant.

  9. I live in australia, and I am absolutely terrified of spiders. However, it's OK - I don't see them too often! Maybe once a month I will come across a little one and scream my head off until my husband squishes it for me. There are more spiders in tropical and country areas, but I have lived in the country and it's really not too bad. Considering I also have a crippling phobia, but I wouldn't trade living in Australia for anything!

  10. We all basically live like Bedouins that live in the desert. We live in constant fear that spiders, snakes and other wildlife are going to poison us...

    We do not have any cars here, and the weather is very dry. In summer we have to were masks to protect us from the heat and the UV rays. For food, we have nice kangaroo's and Koala's that we can BBQ...It's the best life ever!

    So please come and visit - you do not have to bring any clothes with you, we like to hunt naked...

  11. I've been to Sydney and there were no scary spiders or anything, no more insects than you'd find in the UK anyway!

    It's the more inland areas you'd find them in. If you stick to the city/coastal/tourist areas you'll be fine : )

    I hope you have a nice trip, it's a beautiful country, totally worth the journey!

  12. I would only see one or two spiders a year - I live in Darwin.

    I previously lived in south-east Queensland like one of the other answerers and I saw many more down there(I also lived in bushland there) versus a city here.

  13. A very good friend of mine also has a dreadful fear of spiders, she's even terrified of the poor old Daddy Long Legs.

    She is getting on for 50 now, don't tell her I said that, and she's survived living here all her life, without too much hassle.

    Many Australians are terrified of spiders but rarely find it necessary to move away and live elsewhere in the world.

    It's true that there are far fewer spiders here than people think.

  14. I see heaps where I live now in the Adelaide hills, and also where I used to live in Sydney's north, but they've never caused any problems. Bushy areas have a lot more than very urban areas. Australia is bug heaven, it's just the way it is I'm afraid.

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