
A question for Christians...?!?

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This question is about miracles. Why does God do miracles? for example, curing peoples diseases.

why doesn't he just not give them a disease in the first place? why put them through that pain, if he knew full well that he would cure them anyway?

Please share your thoughts, with me





  1. because He didn't give them the disease i will be happy to share my thoughts with you

    i think you truly have no idea whom the Father is or what it is He wants of us or even what actually makes Him happy or sad

    here is another thought of mine i think that before u make such statements about God you should perhaps take a moment to read His word and learn about Him and His ways  

  2. If your a real Dr. than you should understand epi genetics,

    If indeed you do than you have your answer already.

    Dr. of what?

  3. When you have a child, will you keep him in a padded room so that he will not be hurt?  Or will you try to repair him when he does try to live?  

  4. He does not give disease to us.

    God created Adam and Eve with perfect bodies. They gave that up when they went against God and disobeyed. That started a downward decay process that leaves us with imperfect bodies that suffer from disease, old age and death. God did not want it but man chose it, he will not protect you from the consequences of choice. Knowing this was a possibility he had a plan to deal with it and that plan included Jesus paying the price for our sin's.

    Everyone will one day have perfect bodies again, that is when time is over. The issue then is where you will spend eternity in those bodies. On the new Earth and Heaven with God or in h**l with Satan.

    As to miracles, he has said if you have faith he will do as you ask, keeping in mind a person who has that level of faith is seeking first his will in their lives. So the request will be in line with his will to start with.

  5. because Man made god

  6. God does not ordinarily give people diseases. When you get a cold it is beacuse you were exposed to the germ that causes it.

    We live in a fallen world. Whan Adam sinned he became subject to corruption, sickness, and death.

  7. The Old Testament said that when the Messiah would come, He would do miracles to show that He is the one prophesied in the Scriptures.

    Jesus said, before He healed a man born blind that the man was blind to give God glory. It was--and is--unheard of for a man born blind to all of a sudden see. The religious leaders talked to his parents who said that, yes, that was their son and he was born blind. So it was a miracle.

  8. Actually thats a dumb answer undoing what satan does, because GOD can prevent it from happening...GOD does things for each person on what they can handle....they just have to belive, and if they do belive in GOD and for some reason get sick and pass, you shouldnt worry.....because that person is going to live a much better life in Heaven...IT's a test, or a way to bring you back to GOD i think. Because GOD wants you close to him always. I think it's just a way to get your attention. Or its just your time to go. I would rather live an eternity in heaven than a healthy life on earth my self......beacuse life comes and goes.....oh and I would much rather not spend an eternity in h**l and be sick instead of healthy as long as i was in heaven when I passed. But yeah sorry kindof drifted there. I hope I helped. But you should know, GOD has his reasons. Why don't you pray to him and find out? He'll have a way to let you know the answer to your question.

  9. Because He undoes what satan does, it is not God who gives you diseases it is satan who comes to steal, rob kill and destroy, then he tells you that God did it to you, because he is also a liar as well as a thief and a murderer.

  10. Your understanding of God and mankind is a flawed one. Because everyone born on this earth is born with 12 types of sin (Mark 7) they suffer untold diseases. It was because of our forefathers Adam and Eve who sinned against God that we have inherited this sin. And sin causes death

    But Jesus came as promised in the OT to remove all the sins of the world away with His unblemished body by His water baptism and His blood on the Cross (John 3:5), so that we can become sinfree and righteous before Him.

  11. God doesn't give you diseases, Satan does. Also it might be a test of faith, read the book of Job. But God would not just give you diseases.

  12. Your clear answer may be found in Genesis 1-3

    Read it

  13. I think God has many reasons for giving us diseases. First of all i think he does it sometimes to strengthen our faith in him. I know of many occasions where people have gone into a hospital or doctor's office and been told they heave cancer or a heart disese. Then later when they return for a check-up or to go into surgery the disease is completely gone or is in the process of getting better. If someone dies from a disease i think instead of pulling away from God  should get closer. If they are saved they are in a better place anyways. It is just an opportunity to grow even closer to our heavenly father.

  14. Difficult question to answer. The underlying question is, "why do bad things happen to good people?"

    GOD bless

  15. Actually, the question should be that if God performs these miracles, why are the believers wasting money and time with doctors?  It seems that to do so shows in itself a lack of faith.

  16. oh let me guess, "he's testing their faith"?!? does that sound good?

  17. As you may or may not know god works in mysterious ways. People always wonder things like why does god let people suffer? Why does god allow murder? Its a legitimate question and one people ask often. The simple explanation is that its all part of god plan. from the moment you were born god had a plan for you. he knows what choices you will make and wont make and he knows the exact moment you will die and how you will die. although god knows what choices you make he does not control them. if he controled them nobody would ever do anything wrong and everyone would accept him. if god performs a miracle then it was part of his plan for that miracle to occur at that moment in time. weather or not the miracle would be god giving someone a chance to convert to christianity (everyone one in the world before the age of accountability gets at least one oppertunity to accept the lord) or because of any other reason. its a confusing thing to understand i hope my explanation helps.  =)

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